Parachain News Nov 10, 2021. Acala | Moonriver | Astar | Subquery | Quartz | Bit.Country | Shiden

The first batch of Polkadot has started and the first parachain shell has been added! Now it’s waiting for the first slot winner to connect. Most probably it will be Acala, which has already collected 10 million DOT and currently is far ahead of other competitors. Recently Acala posted a new video where its founders talked about the updates and future plans, it’s a must-see for every Acala follower.

⬇️Participate in the Acala crowdloan using our referral link and get 5% extra rewards in ACA tokens and special bonus from PromoTeam & Parachain News as well!

Moonbeam and Astar also have joined the crowdloan auction. Currently, they hold second and third place. Moonriver has allocated % of its token supply for crowdloan rewards, Astar has allocated % of its token supply for this purpose.

⬇️Participate in the Astar crowdloan using our referral link and get % extra rewards in ASTS tokens and special bonus from PromoTeam & Parachain News as well!

The Dolphin Testnet for Calamari is around the corner! It will be launched very soon, as well as the token sale event of Manta tokens. The Squad games event will have 2 rounds, one is for whitelisted participants and the second one is for everyone. It starts on 10th November. Manta has also joined the Polkadot parachain race, we wish them all luck.

If you want to have a reliable source of information about crowdloans, use our @crowdloanbot. It has all the necessary info and useful referral links that would give you additional rewards for your crowdloan contributions.

Bit.Country secured the 14th slot on Kusama for its Pioneer network! Congratulations! Pioneer is a metaverse project with NFTs and a 3d voxel world, dedicated to building community-based spaces, similar to Minecraft. The next candidate for winning a slot is Quartz.

Crust published on YouTube its workshop dedicated to NFT storage. Crust can be a backbone for decentralized storage of all NFT-related media for RMRK, Near and other NFT platforms. Crust is quickly gaining popularity and also participates in Kusama crowdloan auctions.

More and more decentralized exchanges are getting launched in the ecosystem. In addition to KwikSwap, PolkaEx is also live on Shiden, and SushiSwap is live on Moonriver, and its liquidity mining program is already available to all Moonriver users.

Subquery Academy releases a new course for developers. Everyone who wants to join blockchain development and wants to build something on Subquery can get it for free.

That’s all for today, stay tuned!

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We added new functionality to our Crowdloan bot! Now it has information about both Kusama and Polkadot auctions, their contributions and projects participating in each batch.

What is PromoTeam?

PromoTeam — is the international team of Polkadot fans with experience and professional abilities: We excel in community growth, business communications and strategy, promotion, advertising, mathematics, programming, entrepreneurship, and many others areas. Our main goal is to increase adoption and the value of the Substrate ecosystem. By nurturing a grassroots community and involving as many people as we can. Our mission is to give the Polkadot and Substrate community the utility it needs to promote a Polkadot ecosystem.

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Polkadot Ecosystem PromoTeam

What is Polkadot Ecosystem PromoTeam? We are the international team of Polkadot fans with experience in different activities– community development, business communications and strategy, promotion, advertising, mathematics, programming, entrepreneurship and others. Our main task — increase the value of the Substrate ecosystem by involving many people focused on growing the product, community and power. Main goal — to give the Polkadot and Substrate community the real utility to promote Substrate projects. We think that all adopters of Polkadot are the huge power to make substrate projects known worldwide. It’s a big deal to involve a lot of Polkadot adopters in promotion on the ground, in their regions. We build the model for such an activity for the whole community to make important contributions. The results will be successful businesses, DAOs, DAPPs and other units. Our team wants to become an infrastructure for substrate and parachains projects to promote their services, ideas and the whole Polkadot ecosystem worldwide. We want to integrate other crypto activists in Polkadot ecosystem promotion.


What is Polkadot Ecosystem PromoTeam? We are the international team of Polkadot fans with experience in different... Show More