Kusama Slot Auctions: the leaders for the second session

Hey Kusama fans! Now the first 5 slots are grabbed by the best ecosystem projects — Karura, Shiden, Moonriver, Khala and Bifrost.

In the previous article we talked about Bifrost and Khala winners of 4 and 5 slots. Ok, what’s next? We have 5 slots, but we have tons of great projects to go to the next auction session. The past Auctions gave us a hint about the next leaders who will be fighting for slots 6–10. According to our Crowdloan Telegram Bot, we have these leaders:


Basilisk currently has more than 116 thousand KSM in contributions. Basilisk is a liquidity bootstrapping protocol built for Kusama. Its mission is to enable frictionless liquidity for the long tail crypto assets. The modular design of Basilisk enables new crypto assets to bootstrap liquidity by choosing the Automated Market Maker (AMM) model which they find most convenient. The first version comes with implementations of a Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool (LBP) as well as XYK pools with order matching transactions. The following iterations will bring more advanced price discovery mechanisms to Basilisk such as auctions and bonding curves. An NFT marketplace is also on its way!

It was a really amazing competition between Bifrost and Basilisk. We are going to create a special video about HydraDX and Basilisk to talk about the project but this is an absolute leader for the 6th slot.


Another very strong competitor is Altair with more than 19 thousand KSM already collected. It’s the canary network of Centrifuge, the Real-World DeFi hub. Altair is a network that provides access to fast, cheap capital for small businesses and stable yield for investors. It also provides an investment application that acts as an open marketplace of real-world asset pools. Investors can look through the pools provided by Asset Originators and invest in the ones that work for them. Altair also has a very good perspective to become Kusama Parachain and we want to cover and support it in the next auction session.


Calamari, Manta Network’s canary-net (the canary-net is an early, highly experimental version of Manta Network, where all new features will be released and tested first), is the plug-and-play privacy-preservation parachain built to service the Kusama DeFi world. It combines Kusama and zkSNARKs to bring on-chain privacy to transactions and swaps. As part of its own suite of products, Calamari Network offers: MariPay, its token-agnostic private payment service and MariSwap, its private AMM-based DEX.


PolkaSmith is a bit strange project which came from nowhere and silently got 17 thousand KSM without any media coverage. Hope next time the team will try to present the project to the community in a more open way.


And one of our favourites — Robonomics with more than 26 thousand KSM contributions. They started late but offered amazing rewards. We are the big fans of Robonomics but we hope they will be more active next time. We will try to support the Robonomics activity.

Here is the 3rd project that also can be one of the leaders in next auction session.


Genshiro, the canary network of Equilibrium, collected more than 8 thousand KSM as a contribution. Genshiro is introducing a cross-chain money market that combines pooled lending with synthetic asset generation and trading. All DeFi united in one place, Genshiro provides — Lending, Borrowing, Trading, Staking. This project has a good chance to win the next auctions.


Sakura collected about 5 thousand KSM in the first auction. Sakura & Clover will communicate as sister networks to present a complete foundational layer for cross-chain DeFi on Substrate — on Kusama and Polkadot. Sakura will make use of the original Clover tokenomics design, allowing users to enjoy gasless transactions — where relayers will act on behalf of the sender to cover gas fees in any token within their wallet. This means a user will not be required to have SKU in their wallet to transact on the Sakura network.

Darwinia Crab

Darwinia Crab collected about 3 thousand KSM. Darwinia Network is a decentralized cross-chain bridge network building on Substrate, which is the “Golden Gate Bridge” of the cross-chain ecology. It provides the safest general bridge solution, connecting Polkadot, Ethereum, TRON and other heterogeneous chains by cross-chain assets transfer and general remote chain call. Also, its main application areas include Defi, cross-chain NFT trading market, games, etc.

Crust Shadow

One of our favorites is Crust Shadow. Currently it has more than 7 thousand KSM collected, it’s a really amazing project that needs to be reviewed in more details.

Crust Shadow (Crust on Polkadot) is a decentralized cloud storage project, supporting the TEE and IPFS technologies. It’s the perfect candidate to be used by Web 3.0 applications and all the other Kusama and Polkadot parachains. What makes it stand out among all the other storage projects is the fact that it doesn’t require expensive hardware resources, high-CPU and GPU. One of its main components, the work inspector, runs inside the TEE, in a similar fashion to Phala Network, and that’s why a Crust node can be launched even on a home computer.

The architecture of Crust has three layers: MPoW, GPoS and the Decentralized Storage Market.

  1. MPoW is the layer for storage nodes. To be able to join the network, every Crust node has to verify itself. The node provides information about its free disk space and stored files, that information gets verified by its TEE, and goes to the second layer, to be written to the blockchain. The work inspector in the TEE updates that information every 30 minutes, and if something changes, the node has to pass the verification again, because it can’t be trusted anymore. When a new order for storing a file is submitted, storage nodes download it from an IPFS network, encrypt it with the TEE and submit it to the second layer. Storage nodes get 20% of the fee paid for file storage.

  2. GPoS is the layer for stakers. Stakers pack all information, including storage node addresses, file IDs, and verification data, into blocks. The node that stakes a larger amount of CSM tokens has a higher chance to generate blocks. Staking nodes receive 80% of the network fee for file storage, but there’s a twist. Every staker node has its staking quota, and this quota can be increased only by providing more storage, so only the largest storage providers can become the biggest stakers. However, those who don’t have enough staking quotas or enough tokens to produce blocks can delegate them to larger nodes and receive their part of staking fees.

  3. The Decentralized Storage Market is a place to submit storage orders. Any user can upload a file onto a standard IPFS public network with the Crust client or even with standard IPFS tools. After uploading a file, its content identifier ID (CID) has to be submitted with the order. Then storage nodes download it, encrypt it, and submit the proof of its storage to the blockchain. Then the user pays a fee for storing it.

The native token of Crust Shadow is CSM, The total initial amount of CSM is 200 million, and it will be allocated to the community. Crust is a cheap storage network that can become one of the most widely used parachains of Kusama and Polkadot. It can be used to store content for NFTs, games, or even host decentralized websites, so it will definitely be very popular.

And that’s all for today. We are waiting for a new session of Kusama Parachain Auctions and will provide more information about participants soon. We are going to make partnerships with future auction participants and give our subscribers special terms and gifts. If you need any marketing support, feel free to contact us. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, Twitter, telegram and of course CrowdLoan Telegram Bot.

See you soon!

What is PromoTeam?

PromoTeam — is the international team of Polkadot fans with experience and professional abilities: We excel in community growth, business communications and strategy, promotion, advertising, mathematics, programming, entrepreneurship, and many others areas. Our main goal is to increase adoption and the value of the Substrate ecosystem. By nurturing a grassroots community and involving as many people as we can. Our mission is to give the Polkadot and Substrate community the utility it needs to promote a Polkadot ecosystem.

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Polkadot Ecosystem PromoTeam https://app.subsocial.network/1224

What is Polkadot Ecosystem PromoTeam? We are the international team of Polkadot fans with experience in different activities– community development, business communications and strategy, promotion, advertising, mathematics, programming, entrepreneurship and others. Our main task — increase the value of the Substrate ecosystem by involving many people focused on growing the product, community and power. Main goal — to give the Polkadot and Substrate community the real utility to promote Substrate projects. We think that all adopters of Polkadot are the huge power to make substrate projects known worldwide. It’s a big deal to involve a lot of Polkadot adopters in promotion on the ground, in their regions. We build the model for such an activity for the whole community to make important contributions. The results will be successful businesses, DAOs, DAPPs and other units. Our team wants to become an infrastructure for substrate and parachains projects to promote their services, ideas and the whole Polkadot ecosystem worldwide. We want to integrate other crypto activists in Polkadot ecosystem promotion.


What is Polkadot Ecosystem PromoTeam? We are the international team of Polkadot fans with experience in different... Show More