KwikSwap — the first DEX on Shiden Network

The Kusama community is growing rapidly, more and more parachains obtain their slots and over time, Kusama gets an edge in the competition of blockchain ecosystems. Recently, the ecosystem was enhanced with smart contracts after connecting Shiden and Moonriver, and now all users and developers have access to smart contracts functionality, to Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and Web Assembly Virtual Machine (WASM). Now it’s possible to build bridges to Ethereum and create decentralized applications. It’s crucial for every platform to have a lot of decentralized applications to be able to stay in competition with the likes of Ethereum, and one of the most important types of dapps are decentralized exchanges. We already have Karura and Bifrost in the ecosystem, but they still have a limited list of assets — Karura only allows to exchange its own token to KSM, KUSD and BNC. That’s why we’re glad to announce the first DEX on Shiden Network, which will allow trading wrapped ERC20 tokens on Kusama, KwikSwap.

KwikSwap features

KwikSwap is a cross-chain automated DEX for Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and Polkadot/Kusama platforms. We have already covered it in the previous article. It has one token with a fixed supply of 250 million for all chains, $KWIK, the whole supply was minted on Ethereum, but some of the tokens were bridged to other blockchains. It’s used as a governance token for voting on every DEX instance, and for other KwikSwap-related projects, such as Kwikstarter for IDO. The supply will stay as it is, with no dilution.

Very soon on Shiden, users will be able to stake KWIK/SDN, and shortly after, a lot more pairs will be added — USDC, USDT, DAI, BUSD, BNB, WBTC, and ETH will be bridged from other blockchains, and it will be finally possible to trade and stake ERC20 tokens on Kusama. KwikSwap will offer 12% APY and fee share for staking on its platform, the work on Kwikswap LP yield farms on Shiden is 50% complete. The exact release date is unknown yet, but it will be announced pretty soon.

KwikSwap will offer 12% APY and fee share for staking on its platform, the work on Kwikswap LP yield farms on Shiden is 50% complete. The exact release date is unknown yet, but it will be announced pretty soon.

A new milestone

The launch of KwikSwap with top market pairs is the new step in the growth of DeFi on Kusama and Polkadot, and it’s a big milestone for Shiden because it’s one of the first DAPPs that can be actually used by traders. The other Kusama DEXes are concentrating on Kusama assets — but this multi-chain approach will help Kusama to become a part of a bigger trader community. There’s a lot of things that have to be polished, but it’s in the works. You can also participate in smart contract staking on Shiden and lock your SDN for KwikSwap to get contract staking rewards.

We’ll keep you updated on the development, stay tuned!




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Polkadot Ecosystem PromoTeam

What is Polkadot Ecosystem PromoTeam? We are the international team of Polkadot fans with experience in different activities– community development, business communications and strategy, promotion, advertising, mathematics, programming, entrepreneurship and others. Our main task — increase the value of the Substrate ecosystem by involving many people focused on growing the product, community and power. Main goal — to give the Polkadot and Substrate community the real utility to promote Substrate projects. We think that all adopters of Polkadot are the huge power to make substrate projects known worldwide. It’s a big deal to involve a lot of Polkadot adopters in promotion on the ground, in their regions. We build the model for such an activity for the whole community to make important contributions. The results will be successful businesses, DAOs, DAPPs and other units. Our team wants to become an infrastructure for substrate and parachains projects to promote their services, ideas and the whole Polkadot ecosystem worldwide. We want to integrate other crypto activists in Polkadot ecosystem promotion.


What is Polkadot Ecosystem PromoTeam? We are the international team of Polkadot fans with experience in different... Show More