We are very excited about the Auction campaign. Karura won the first auction and became the first Parachain of Kusama. More than 14 thousands of participants contributed 500 thousands of KSM. It’s about 5% of all Kusama circulation and its amazing and unexpected results show big interest for the Kusama ecosystem and DeFi on Kusama and Polkadot. We have a lot of auctions to come but now we already have the leaders who will probably get the first 3 slots and we will share our views.

PromoTeam prepared an article - "A definitive guide to Kusama parachain auctions", if you want the details for all parachain auction participants you can read it.

The last 2 slots will be the battle of several projects, we will review them all in the next series.

Welcome the Parachain Auction Telegram Bot!

All the information on each and every crowdloan campaign, accessible in one place.

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  • share projects and terms of participation there with your friends;

  • add projects to your favorites;

  • see instructions on how to participate in a crowdfunding campaign.

Crowdloan Info Bot;

  • check crowdloan's statistics.

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What is PromoTeam?

PromoTeam — is the international team of Polkadot fans with experience and professional abilities: We excel in community growth, business communications and strategy, promotion, advertising, mathematics, programming, entrepreneurship, and many others areas. Our main goal is to increase adoption and the value of the Substrate ecosystem. By nurturing a grassroots community and involving as many people as we can. Our mission is to give the Polkadot and Substrate community the utility it needs to promote a Polkadot ecosystem.

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Polkadot Ecosystem PromoTeam https://app.subsocial.network/1224

What is Polkadot Ecosystem PromoTeam? We are the international team of Polkadot fans with experience in different activities– community development, business communications and strategy, promotion, advertising, mathematics, programming, entrepreneurship and others. Our main task — increase the value of the Substrate ecosystem by involving many people focused on growing the product, community and power. Main goal — to give the Polkadot and Substrate community the real utility to promote Substrate projects. We think that all adopters of Polkadot are the huge power to make substrate projects known worldwide. It’s a big deal to involve a lot of Polkadot adopters in promotion on the ground, in their regions. We build the model for such an activity for the whole community to make important contributions. The results will be successful businesses, DAOs, DAPPs and other units. Our team wants to become an infrastructure for substrate and parachains projects to promote their services, ideas and the whole Polkadot ecosystem worldwide. We want to integrate other crypto activists in Polkadot ecosystem promotion.


What is Polkadot Ecosystem PromoTeam? We are the international team of Polkadot fans with experience in different... Show More