Welcome the Parachain Auction Telegram Bot! All Kusama's crowdloan campaigns in one place.

Almost all the ecosystem members were busy preparing for Polkadot Decoded 2021 — the biggest event of the year, — but the PromoTeam and Parachain News team weren’t sitting around as well.

“How cool it would be if all the information about crowdloan parachain campaigns were gathered in one place”, we thought.

Basically, that was the idea that encouraged us to create the “Crowdloan Info Bot”.

What about its features?

We’ve designed the functionality to be as simple and straightforward as possible.

You can:

  • share projects and terms of participation there with your friends;

  • add projects to your favorites;

  • see instructions on how to participate in a crowdfunding campaign.

And this is what the "@CroadLoanInfo bot" is about.

The powerful projects are already available there:

  1. Karura — Acala's decentralized financial hub of Kusama. All-in-one DeFi platform to help you swap, borrow, lend, earn, and more – all with micro gas fees.

  2. Bifrost — is the Polkadot Ecological DeFi basic protocol. It is committed to becoming an infrastructure for pledged assets to provide liquidity. It has launched a derivative vToken for Staking and Polkadot Parachain Slot (PLO). *

  3. Khala — Khala Network is the Phala pre-mainnet on Kusama, as published on the roadmap last year: Phala will implement its mainnet on Polkadot, as the parachain to serve enterprise-scale blockchains and DeFi service. Khala will implement its mainnet on Kusama, as the parachain to serve creative and growth blockchains and DeFi service.

As the parachains auction approaches, the number of projects that will announce their conditions and ways to participate in Crowdloan will be growing day by day.

We will add this information to the “Crowdloan Info Bot” as soon as we lean about it.

Try it out: https://t.me/crowdloanbot

About PromoTeam

PromoTeam is a diverse team of specialists and blockchain activists with various skills that actively promotes the Polkadot ecosystem in the English-speaking and Russian communities. Our main activity is content production, offline and online event organization, community management and creation, product marketing, development of ambassador programs. We also run validator nodes for Polkadot and Cosmos blockchains and participate in the Polkadot ecosystem projects as investors, advisors and contributors.

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Polkadot Ecosystem PromoTeam https://app.subsocial.network/1224

What is Polkadot Ecosystem PromoTeam? We are the international team of Polkadot fans with experience in different activities– community development, business communications and strategy, promotion, advertising, mathematics, programming, entrepreneurship and others. Our main task — increase the value of the Substrate ecosystem by involving many people focused on growing the product, community and power. Main goal — to give the Polkadot and Substrate community the real utility to promote Substrate projects. We think that all adopters of Polkadot are the huge power to make substrate projects known worldwide. It’s a big deal to involve a lot of Polkadot adopters in promotion on the ground, in their regions. We build the model for such an activity for the whole community to make important contributions. The results will be successful businesses, DAOs, DAPPs and other units. Our team wants to become an infrastructure for substrate and parachains projects to promote their services, ideas and the whole Polkadot ecosystem worldwide. We want to integrate other crypto activists in Polkadot ecosystem promotion.


What is Polkadot Ecosystem PromoTeam? We are the international team of Polkadot fans with experience in different... Show More