TrustFi is Now Listing on PolkaProject!

TrustFi is now listed on PolkaProject. Thanks for the support and you guys can follow TrustFi by the link and vote for us:

TrustFi NetworkPost author

Trusted DeFi Liquidity Market Solutions Built on Web 3.0.

TrustFi Network is a decentralized BaaS solution for DeFi market based on multichain environment(Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum, and Polkadot etc.), focusing on early crypto assets issuance, liquidity management, community activities and DAO governance. TrustFi Designs decentralized DeFi market liquidity promotion and DAO incentive solution, including IDO General Protocol, Decentralized Staking Contract and Providing Liquidity Mining model (“PLM”), which is an important supplement to the DeFi infrastructure built on Web 3.0. TrustFi Network is committed to establishing a decentralized platform, centering on the liquidity of on-chain assets, and based on PLM model, effectively linking DeFi community governors, on-chain liquidity suppliers and investors, application developers, and infrastructure operators, to unlock the potential of DeFi market liquidity. TrustFi Network will provide liquidity supplement for crypto assets on Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum, Polkadot and other blockchains. By unlocking the potential of onchain DAO, TrustFi Network will stimulate the vitality of onchain transactions, which aims to build an equal DeFi ecosystem.

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TrustFi Network is a decentralized BaaS solution for DeFi market based on multichain environment(Binance Smart Chain,... Show More