Integritee Partners with Decentralized Gaming Platform Ajuna

📢 Didn’t we tell you Integritee was a game changer⁉️ Our TEE-validated blockchain technology makes the perfect platform for next-generation gaming. 🚀

We’re partnering with decentralized gaming network Ajuna to offer a way to build games that feature fast, traditional-style play (no turn taking!) as well as NFT assets that are tradable outside the game itself.

💥This is the perfect use case for decentralized asset management and an exciting opportunity to build a thriving ecosystem for gamers and developers. Here’s what it’s all about: 👉

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Integritee harnesses the speed and confidentiality of Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) as well as the transparency and trust of public blockchains to create the fastest, most scalable Web3 protocol for securely processing sensitive data.

Integritee enables developers and firms to unchain the value of sensitive data. By combining the trust of Polkadot with the confidentiality and speed of enterprise-grade hardware, it will power a new generation of data-driven dApps and services.


Integritee enables developers and firms to unchain the value of sensitive data. By combining the trust of Polkadot... Show More