You know these snitches that get you into trouble? That sell you to the police? Well the Gang Gang hates them. Loyal frens. Supporters. Gang. That's the thing. We want to support them. And punish the rats. About something like every 6 weeks we will take a snapshot and check which Gamma Members were loyal. They and only they will recieve the rewards for beeing part of the Gang. IYKYK - IYSYL.

Experience Tokens - Tricky XPS Every snapshot all Birds that have neither been listed nor sold nor moved (except for missions) will recieve Tricky XPS tokens to level up their Gamma Birds. The snapshots are taken already, so many Birds might get more than one token with the first XPS-Drop.

1% Airdrop Chance All Gamma Birds have a 1%+ chance to recieve airdrops from future Tricky-Collections and Sub-Collections. So once the GammaVerse will spread it's wings there will be some Subcollections beeing minted for differen Items and other NFTs like the "Ships" or the "Cases". Every single Bird has a chance to recieve these via airdrop. For some colabo-collections there will also airdrops, but that's not guaranteed as it's connected to collection size and other factors. The '1%+' means that for some collections the chances will be way higher - up to all holder accounts of Birds recieving airdrops. That is, if the holder is no snitch, selling or listing Birds. That's a no go for airdrops. So decide for yourself are you just a rat or a real Gamma Birdy.

Item and NFT Drops Classic, every GangMember will recieve Itemdrops or other Community Drops. Here the rules are not so strict and sometimes even a rat might get some BANNER, to think again if it's not maybe better to choose the right path.

Who knows what ideas Whitelisting? Alt-Art? Who knows what ideas might be next.

The meaning of PoC: The Gammas are a PoC so we are testing and exploring, searching for new ways and methods. Later we evaluate and things that work out get implemented in other collections and colabos. That also means while the Gammas are our first big love, sometimes we are bussy with other stuff. That's why we underline our effords to create long term value, by airdrops of future collections and other NFTs.


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