#23 reasons @Polkadot stands out as THE TOP BLOCKCHAIN IN THE CRYPTO SPACE.

#1 Multichain Future

Polkadot believes in a future of multichain cooperation and mutual benefits. @gavofyork says maximalism is a disservice to the industry, as people do not understand the tech aspects and pursue financial gains from investments.


#2 Fix The Blockchain Trilemma

@Polkadot is a software designed by engineers for engineers, known for its interoperability and security provided by its relay chain. The RC, by design, doesn't support smart contracts.


#3 Interoperability: XCMP / XCM

Enables parachains to collaborate and accomplish complex end-to-end scenarios through XCM and XCMP. XCMP can be likened to a telephone, while XCM represents the language spoken during the call.


Cross Consensus Messaging Protocol is the protocol that allows messages to be sent between different consensus systems. It can also be referred to as the communication channel. Cross Consensus Messaging is a generic method of communicating between different consensus systems.

#4 Sharded Network

The primary scalability solution is achieved through the parallelization of execution by creating separate data shards called Parachains. Parachains are individual blockchains dedicated to specific applications or projects.


#5 Appchains

The choice of heterogeneous shards allows for app-specific chains. AppChain designs can encompass monolithic blockchains and modular execution layers (rollups, sidechains) that process state transitions for apps but rely on a separate settlement or consensus.

#6 WebAssembly

Polkadot’s backbone is WebAssembly (ink! / Rust)– a fast, safe, and open meta-protocol that powers all the state transitions of our ecosystem.


#7 Shared Security

Polkadot introduces a shared security model that allows chains to interact with one another while ensuring that each chain has the same level of security guarantees > Relay chain.


#8 Forkless Upgrade

There is a division between the blockchain client and runtime, which serves as a framework for implementing the Parachains protocol. Also, this separation enables chains to seamlessly upgrade their chain without forking methods.


#9 On-chain governance

The ecosystem undergoes alterations through a transparent and intricate procedure that not only grants approval or denial of changes but also implements them automatically. Empowering DOT holders; Decentralizing decision-making.


Gov decisions has the power to modify the fundamental code of the chain while ensuring that 50% of the total stake holds the ability to influence the future of the system. Moreover, users have the option to lock tokens, increasing their vote "conviction".

#10 On-chain Treasury

Polkadot has a self-funded treasury pool at its core to stimulate the progress and advancement of the protocol. This treasury is governed on-chain, ensuring that it is utilized for the benefit of DOT holders.


#11 The world's premier blockspace generator

According to @rphmeier, the blockspace produced by @Polkadot is of top-notch quality and comes with robust security assurances.


#12 Nominated Proof-of-Stake

NPoS is preferred over DPoS for more efficient stake allocation, despite the drawbacks of increased complexity and scaling challenges. The economic incentives ensure that funds are distributed among validators, promoting a fair and balanced system.

Also, the implementation of a super-linear slashing system discourages validator centralization, further enhancing the decentralized nature of the network. Complex algorithms, Non-linear complexity, Better utilization of tokens to secure network.


#13 Hybrid Consensus

Polkadot has a hybrid model that divides the responsibilities of consensus: GRANDPA, which is the finality module, and BABE, which is the block production module. BABE produces blocks, and GRANDPA decides which blocks are finalized.

#14 Parathreads

Parathreads are an idea for parachains to temporarily participate (on a block-by-block basis) in Polkadot security without needing to lease a dedicated parachain slot.


#15 DOT as Software

The solution developed by the W3F through the meetings with the SEC was the proposal to morph DOT from security into software. The SEC team was very helpful in assisting the W3F in the approach development phase.


#16 Dr. Gavin James Wood.: The Coder

He created the @solidity_lan, authoring the @ethereum Yellow paper, and being a co-founder of the project. He has played a pivotal role in founding @ParityTech, @Polkadot, @kusamanetwork, and @Web3foundation.


#17 The Fellowship


A decentralized tech collective - ecosystem builders who have made crucial contributions to the core Polkadot protocol. In addition to code reviews, the collective is responsible for fixing bugs and making code refinements.

#18 Polkadot SDK: Substrate

Substrate strives to be the best blockchain framework in which to build custom blockchains. It's not a blockchain in itself, but akin to a blockchain SDK framework.


Blockchains like @Cardano, @NEARProtocol, @AvailProject are already exploring the benefits of Polkadot SDK. IOG is using @paritytech’ Substrate stack, a proven open-source modular framework, extending it with trustless integration to Cardano.


#19 Coretime sale/rental: revenue


#20 Blockchain Academy: Education

The objective is to provide developers with all the knowledge they need to build blockchains and to provide Web3 entrepreneurs with practical guidance for launching projects and growing in the Polkadot ecosystem.


#21 Highest in the room: Nakamoto Coefficient

The larger the Nakamoto Coefficient is compared to the number of nodes or validators, the more decentralized the blockchain network is.

#22 The green blockchain

Polkadot has been recognized as the greenest blockchain protocol among its peers as determined in the report by the CCRI.

#23 Let the builders build!

Polkadot leads the chain with the most developer activity for several consecutive quarters.

PitcoinPost author

Web 3. 0 enthusiastic - Polkadot & Astar Network ambassador

Welcome to the Pitcoin diary. Be prepared for an immersion in Polkadot, Kusama, and Astar Network ecosystem. Everything I write is my personal opinion - don't expect anything but chaos.

Polkadot Senior Ambassador and Astar Network all-star ambassador.


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