BNC initial listing on DEX Karura Network

BNC initial listing on DEX Karura Network

BNC / kUSD swap will opening at 12:30pm UTC, 21th Oct.

Be on the look at, swap will open up once the bootstrap is over.

DarkSparkPost author

Bifrost Admin. Loves Kusama & Polkadot. Also loves Dragons.

Bifrost is the Polkadot Ecological DeFi basic protocol. It is committed to becoming an infrastructure for pledged assets to provide liquidity. It has launched a derivative vToken for Staking and Polkadot Parachain Slot (PLO). It has obtained $2.15M in fund-raising from NGC, SNZ, DFG, CMS and other institutions and Web3 Foundation Grants. It is also a member of Substrate Builders Program and Web3 Bootcamp.


Bifrost is the Polkadot Ecological DeFi basic protocol. It is committed to becoming an infrastructure for pledged... Show More