DotmarketCap “Learn & Earn” Series 5 with Genshiro Has Now Concluded.

DotMarketCap very happy to help you enhance your knowledge about Genshiro - The canary network of Equilibrium.

10 lucky users have learn about Genshiro and earned up to 2000 $GENS/each.

In case you missed out, here's a summary of what we have covered.

NOTES: Lucky winners will receive the confirmed email ([email protected]) and the instructions to get the rewards.

MilamuunPost author

Dotmarketcap is a website where you can find data of prices, charts, capitalization as well as the latest information and analysis of entire projects on the Polkadot ecosystem. The #DotEcoCap concept is the most accurate and general indicator to measure the overall development of the Polkadot ecosystem. In addition, Dotmarketcap has a place in verifying the accuracy of projects, educating the community about the Polkadot ecosystem, newsletters or on-chain data. DOT.Research is our passion for diving deep into potential projects on Polkadot.


Dotmarketcap is a website where you can find data of prices, charts, capitalization as well as the latest information... Show More