Nodle’s Crowdloan Plan for the Parachain Auctions on Polkadot

Wanna learn about Nodle’s Crowdloan Plan for the Parachain Auctions on Polkadot?

On the way towards a fully interoperable ecosystem of blockchains 1. Composability Nodle wants to make its Decentralized Wireless (DeWi) network and apps composable with many services from other chains. Having our parachain will provide us with an easy way to make this composability a reality. Nodle has already been testing its capability to interoperate with other parachains, such as with Acala Network earlier this year (see Medium post: Nodle is Now #ComposableWith Acala). 2. Security The Polkadot network provides shared security with access to a network of approximately 18,000 validator nodes that compete to maintain the best possible security and integrity for the on-chain records. Its nearly 300 validators are active at any given time and automatically selected for their performance from this huge decentralized network. 3. Liquidity The Polkadot ecosystem is enabling access to its growing user base on other ecosystems such as Ethereum. When NODL becomes interoperable and composable with other chains, the number of potential network users will grow substantially, thereby increasing the number of participants and holders of the NODL token. 4. More decentralization Nodle believes that the power of blockchain technologies will be realized once all the different layer 1 chains and layer 2 services become fully interoperable. By enabling various industries and projects to build their own blockchains, Polkadot has created a way to make this vision possible. Parachains are an additional step toward accelerating this vision and the implementation of Web 3.0 fundamentals.

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