Tinlake has now passed over $20M Total Value locked

Centrifuge just reported Tinlake - the 1st Dapp built on their chain, had reached over $20M Total Value Locked.

Tinlake is an asset-backed lending app enabling users to use Defi to access financing. Assets are turned into NFTs on-chain, & then financed through Tinlake.

Centrifuge is planning to open the crowdloan to raise $KSM for their canary network - Altair Network . If you are interested, don't miss the upcoming AMA about Centrifuge & Altail’s strategy. https://twitter.com/DotMarketCap_/status/1403651790835372033

For those who don't know about Altair https://twitter.com/centrifuge/status/1395395269458632712


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