Upcoming Highlight Events on Polkadot Ecosystem

Upcoming highlight Events on Polkadot Ecosystem

#DotMarketCap #PolkaWarriors $DOT $KSM

Details: ๐Ÿ‘‡

  1. End The 4th & Open 5th Kusama Parachain Slot Auction

On July 14th, donโ€™t miss #TwitterSpace to hear from the fourth parachain auction winner on Kusama. The team & exact time of the Space will be announced next Tuesday once the winning block is chosen. https://twitter.com/kusamanetwork/status/1412804860530118663

  1. Shiden Network

On Monday July 12 (UTC 4pm), Shiden will host a crowdcast to explain their roadmap and post-launch milestones! https://twitter.com/ShidenNetwork/status/1413852062459248648

  1. Bit.Country

BitCountry announces their Blind Boxes Live Date, which enables people to use $NUUM to open the blind boxes on 13th July. Start saving NUUM at https://bit.ly/3dZlCtf https://twitter.com/BitDotCountry/status/1413423464673800192

  1. Substrate

On July 13th at 4pm CET, don't forget to join #Substrate Seminar with Parity Tech's Chevdor at https://bit.ly/substratese

  1. RmrkApp

Join a 30min webinar with RMRK founder to get more information about NFTs. https://twitter.com/RmrkApp/status/1412656540037926912

  1. Zeitgeist

Join the final Kusama Derby crowdcast of Zeitgeist to know the full results, unique campaign insights, and the main prizewinners. Join https://t.co/gon8H8E8k9?amp=1 https://twitter.com/ZeitgeistPM/status/1412424143774048258

  1. Polkadot Club

Polkadot introduced Encode Polkadot Club, a nine-month programme in partnership with Encode Club, funded by the Polkadot Treasury. Read more at https://hubs.ly/H0R74gJ0 https://twitter.com/Polkadot/status/1409540907934883840

  1. 2nd Polkadot Hackathon

Donโ€™t miss the 2nd Polkadot Hackathon, which aims to help Substrate_io developers. Official demo day on July 17, 18. https://twitter.com/DotMarketCap_/status/1398481567404609538


QuanPost author

IGS at Illusionistgroup.com | Member of PolkaWarriors | DotMarketCap.Com #POLKADOT #KUSAMA #ACALA #POLKAWARRIORS_NEWS #POLKAWARRIORS_ISSUEWEEKLY!

Dotmarketcap is a website where you can find data of prices, charts, capitalization as well as the latest information and analysis of entire projects on the Polkadot ecosystem. The #DotEcoCap concept is the most accurate and general indicator to measure the overall development of the Polkadot ecosystem. In addition, Dotmarketcap has a place in verifying the accuracy of projects, educating the community about the Polkadot ecosystem, newsletters or on-chain data. DOT.Research is our passion for diving deep into potential projects on Polkadot.


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