KILT Launch Process

1/ It has come a long way but Kilt Protocol is officially a decentralized blockchain network.

This is considered as a very important day for their team: The Sudo Key was removed & governance has been transitioned into community.

2/ The first proposals will be for allowing tokens to be transferred & distributing $KILT Coins to their crowdloan supporters. This will go to referendum by 12 November and holders will be able to vote on over the following 7 days.

3/ For more information, read their full article at:

M-15Post author

PolkaWarriors - A non-profit & unofficial worldwide community of $DOT hodlers., we aims to promote and educating the community with our knowledge and skills


PolkaWarriors - A non-profit & unofficial worldwide community of $DOT hodlers., we aims to promote and educating the... Show More