Nominate Ryabina: Step-by-step Guide.

To nominate Ryabina you need to create a Polkadot Account first. If you haven’t done it earlier, please read a guide and create.

If you have already generated an account, please follow our guide to nominate Ryabina.

The procedure is the same for every Substrate network, i.e. Polkadot, Kusama, Edgeware, StaFi, Darwinia, Dock, Centrifuge.

Go to Polkadot JS app to nominate Ryabina in the following networks: Polkadot, Kusama, Edgeware, Centrifuge, Stafi, Darwinia Crab. Choose a network in a menu in a top right corner and click “Switch”

For Darwinia mainnet:

  1. On the “Account Actions” page click on +Nominator button.

  1. Choose Stash and Controller accounts.

Think of the stash as your cold wallet and the controller as your hot wallet. Funding operations are controlled by the stash, any other non-funding actions by the controller itself. To ensure optimal fund security using the same stash/controller is strongly discouraged, but not forbidden.

  1. Type in the search field “RYABINA” and choose all Ryabina nodes. Then click “Bond and Nominate” and sign the transaction.

Congratulations! You nominated Ryabina.

RyabinaPost author

Validator on awesome networks

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Validator on awesome networks