Blacksquares - Part 2

Unite the Blacksquares - Part 2

Square or Circle?

Joining the Blacksquares server after participating via Twitter, people now stood in front of a door with the following inscription:

You stand in front of a door guarded by an old man.

The old man comes up to you and speaks.

"I am Mr. Malevich and will let you pass, but first you have to decide". He shows you a board with two symbols. A square and a circle.

He asks you a question: "What if we live in a world where circles are squares and squares are circles?

How would you decide?".

You have only one decision. Decide wisely!

You had to decide if you wanted to join the squares or the circles at this door. Of course, nobody knew what would happen if you pressed Square or Circle.

So I joined the Square Channel, which was very active thanks to its new members.

Beginning or the End?

Definitely not the end.

When I arrived at the server, no one knew what to do, so people started talking to each other and wondering what these codes were.

Every "Mr. Malevich" and every "Mrs. Malevich" has a four-digit code behind their name.

These matched the code that got posted on Twitter.


We took a closer look at the codes and came up with the following lineup.

  • 4cec Mr. Malevich
  • 2c64 Mr. Malevich
  • b54f Mr. Malevich
  • 9b0a
  • a3c0 Mr. Malevich
  • 9158
  • 43d0 Mr. Malevich
  • fedd Mr. Malevich
  • 2018 Mr. Malevich
  • b243 Mr. Malevich
  • a961 Mr. Malevich
  • b223 Mr. Malevich
  • 9cb7 Mrs. Malevich
  • 37d6 Mrs. Malevich
  • bd77 Bot
  • 48ed Mr. Malevich - (Rimizak, more about this later)

With this, we could determine that there are 14 codes in total distributed before, since there were precisely 14 artists at the famous exhibition of Mr. Malevich, this fit well.

Here one can already recognize which thoughts the founders of this movement made themselves, in the course of the time, one notices ever more such small details.

Last Futurist Exhibition of Paintings 0,10 was an exhibition presented by the Dobychina Art Bureau at Marsovo Pole, Petrograd, from 19 December 1915 to 17 January 1916.

The exhibition was significant in inaugurating a form of non-objective art called Suprematism, introducing a daring visual vernacular composed of geometric forms of varying color, and signifying the end of Russia's previous leading art movement, Cubo-Futurism, hence the exhibition's full name. The sort of geometric abstraction relating to Suprematism was distinct in its elements' apparent kinetic motion and angular shapes.

Through this communication with each other and the qualitative messages, one could gain experience points, which helped some very dedicated ones to advance to level 8.

LVL 8 - the inner square

It didn't take long for some of the square group to reach LVL 8, and another channel opened up to them.

At first, we thought that this channel was only for users from the squares, so we continued to discuss what was behind the Blacksquare.

One of the first goals was to get 1300 users on the server. So it was clear for all of us that we could only do this together.

This is one of the pillars of this movement. Cohesion and equality find here the highest value.

As well as the battle cry "OBEY"! One must understand that one should remain faithful to itself and make its own decisions.


One thing is clear; this is a long journey that only can be solved through cohesion.

Everyone on board is challenged to contribute and is rewarded for it.

Only together can we achieve something. That is the essence of this community.


After reaching the first big goals, we received the following picture:

We made assumptions about whether it soon goes into the metaverse, although these are still assumptions until now.

No one knows exactly where this journey will lead us, but I can reassure you that there will be more information in the following article.

So stay tuned and join the Discord Server.


Next time, I will tell you something about Inception 1, but I need your support to do that.

For the rest of the information to be revealed, we need at least 120 retweets on this Tweet.

Thanks for reading and retweeting. I'll hear from you soon.


  • The creation of the Blacksquares
  • The revelation of the motives
  • The role of Blacksquares

I will write more about the journey we hopefully both enjoy my fren.

aemonkPost author

Web3 is the future!

All Things NFTs (ATN) is a space where we want to represent NFT Projects and Artists in the Dotsama space.


All Things NFTs (ATN) is a space where we want to represent NFT Projects and Artists in the Dotsama space.