Chaos Collective Spotlight - BowserStaxx

After the great success of the first multi-resource collaborative music NFT Album, we had the opportunity to get to know the artists behind it a little better.

Therefore we present the Chaos Collective interview spotlight series.

Chaos Collective

The biggest news came in the last few days; the collective of 9 music NFT artists presented us with the FIRST multi-resource Music NFT Album on Singular 2.0. If you haven't heard of them, they are called Chaos Collective, and their collaboration album is named Chaos Collective Album 1. Do you want to know more about the album? Check out this summary.

After all that, we got the chance to ask them a few questions.


We chatted with this emerging music NFT producer and found some interesting facts about him.

The collaborative album from the Chaos Collective effortlessly marks the artist's significance and place in the NFT space. This album has made it even more apparent what a promising future BowserStaxx has in the Music NFT space. Since joining this beautiful NFT scene, he minted 5 Collections.

Fans and music lovers should stay tuned for his next hit.

Look at our interview with him below to learn more about BowserStaxx!


Have you always wanted to be a musician? When did you start pursuing a career in music?

I always just wanted to be around music however I could, whether that meant listening to it or creating it. I never really pursued a career in music. I played instruments from young and hated lessons so just self taught by learning songs I loved. Pretty early on (early teens) I was recording fragments of sounds and samples from different tracks onto cassettes and creating loops. Had no idea what I was actually doing at the time but it just sounded good to me. I then got my first bit of software for creating and producing my own music and never looked back. I'd spend hours creating until after a few years i'd amassed more tracks and folders than I knew what to do with. I didn't want them to just sit there idle so started to learn a bit more about the music industry and how to get involved in situations where my music could be used.

What brought you to the NFT space?

Pure chance - I was solely interested in the crypto side of things but eventually started to hear more and more popping up about NFTs. I'm deeply interested in technology so when I first started to do some research on what NFT's were capable of, I was fascinated less by the art but more by the possibilities that hadn't even been discovered yet. Over time more quality artists have got involved that have completely captured my imagination. Then being close to the Dotsama ecosystem I saw the early days of RMRK's Kanaria eggs being launched. I was pissed I missed out on the egg sale but wanted to keep a close eye on how things developed. (We all know how crazy things are with it now!) In terms of new experiences The Damned Pirate Society is 100% the thing that really pulled me into the NFT space. I saw all these weird tweets on my twitter feed about the #BLCKSPT game and the funny thing was that in 99% of other scenarios I would have ignored it and probably missed out. Something just told me to go with it and get involved and it was a great decision because I got a first hand view of being part of an NFT community being built form the ground up. A lot like the experience for those who minted MoonSamas early. If you're lucky enough to be in a quality project from the early days and watch it grow you feel like you're a part of something special. As all these quality projects started growing I then also noticed some of the few music NFT's and musicians creating on Singular. That's when it clicked that I wouldn't get a better opportunity to combine my passions for music, visual art and tech.

How would you describe your sound? Why do you think people resonate with your music?

I'd like to think eclectic to match my taste in music. I hate the boundaries of genres but i understand that some people prefer to know what they should expect from an artist or song musically. I just make tracks that make me feel something and hope that others do when they listen. If I make a rap / hiphop track for example I know I've done my job if you're not even a rapper but free-styling rhymes in your mind or rapping along with the track. I like my versatility surprising people. So the moment that someone puts 2+2 together and realises that this same guy makes Birb Tapes, Chaos Collective tracks, Soundtracks / score for games and other projects - thats priceless. I always wanted my music range to be wide enough to allow me that freedom - i hate restrictions.

Where do you find your inspiration?

From the weirdest places at the weirdest times. I don't have a set pattern for making music I just create when i feel energised and motivated. I get inspired by other creators who are energetic whether they are musicians, artists, film directors, fashion designers etc or builders in the community who are truly committed. One of the most inspiring moments I had recently was late last year and hearing Bruno Skvorc talking on a podcast. Sometimes for whatever reason certain parts of a conversation really hit you and stick with you. I was learning so much from listening to the gems Bruno was dropping. When asked what the best advice he could give to people was he said to 'just do something and get it done and out in the World!' I have a product background irl so I get the ship fast ethos but this felt different. I was inspired by the words because at the time I was delaying taking action. Hearing those words i couldn't find any excuse not to just do what I had to do to get my own project ready. This would be my contribution to the ecosystem.

How do you know when you've found a perfect beat/track/song/lyrics?

I really think there's no such thing. I get really close to making tracks that feel as close to complete as I could get, but i can count on one hand the amount of times i feel I've made something close to perfect. When I can feel that a beat or track tells the story I want to tell enough I know its done.

Tell us one interesting fact about yourself that no one would expect.

I used to draw a LOT when I was younger (superhero's and comic books) but stopped for years. Birb Tapes Vol 1 & 2 were the 1st bits of art I had done in such a long time. I have a law degree and at a time used to prepare the contracts for major label and independent singles and album deals.

What do you consider your most significant achievement so far?

Honestly, just seeing through the idea I had for Birb Tapes and not stopping until it was ready to mint and share. I'm an ideas person so I may have 100 ideas but also find reasons not to act on them. This was the occasion when i would let the idea go and saw it through. The response to the project has been the best feeling I've experienced in my music career.

What is your story about chaos collective? How did you join? What was the process of working together?

Its a bit of a winding road. I had released Vol 1 of Birb Tapes and after that started to get to know a lot more people in the Dotsama community. A few people got in touch asking for advice and some guidance on releasing music. One in particular was Ape Hodling who reached out to just talk music and some ideas he had. As we spoke more Ape shared some music his son had made and wanted feedback on the tracks. We kept talking and I knew from hearing the music his son made that he'd have nothing to lose if he released his own NFTs. Ape recommended me for Chaos Dao along with 0XTaylor (who was super supportive of my project). Once I joined the Dao I was connected to cool and interesting people around from the community including IAMYOU. He and I were speaking quite a bit on his discord just sharing ideas and supporting each others work. Then he mentioned that he wanted his next album to be Lo-Fi and to do some collaborations. As more artists from Singular got involved and joined the discord that morphed into the idea of creating a collective of music creators on Singular. Before you knew it we were just thinking of everyone that could be involved so everyday more creators were dropping in the discord and saying they were down to be involved. I had previously reached out to Rich Valentino, LeifWyn and Terra Incognita just to tell them how much i enjoyed their music so it was great to end up working with them. Also when I knew the album would be happening I got back in touch with Ape Hodling and suggested that his son could get involved in this release and thats how Gabr3al joined the collective.

Which track did you choose for the album and why?

I've got two track tracks on the album.

Late Drinking just felt right to include because I wanted to add an RnB element to the equation.

Lo-Fried was fun to make and hit the Lo-Fi brief. I wanted it to appear simple at first but build some catchy elements as it progresses.

Who else would you like to collaborate with in the future?

I'd like to collaborate with my fellow Chaos Collective producers on seperate projects. IAMYOU and I have something we're planning as a joint album. Also just love working with artists where we can come up with something that makes sense from both sides art wise. You can expect to see quite a few more collabs from me. The Singular community is one of the most inspiring things I've experienced and you combine all those artists and projects with the people doing cool things on MOVR, GLMR and ASTAR and its a melting pot of creativity. I would struggle to list all the amazing artists that energise me to get up, get out and hustle every single day.

What are your goals for this year? Any Alpha to share?

This year the goal is just to build on the momentum established and be everywhere it makes sense for me to be. I want to push my musical boundaries and create art in the coolest most innovative ways possible. My aim is for you to hear my music in the most random of places (in a game, on content) and wonder if its me. Then have the moment a few weeks or months later when you connect the dots and realise this one person has created all these seemingly different sounds and vibes.

Alpha to share? Im planning something very ambitious for Birb Tapes that involves giving everyone a cool way to enjoy their music NFTs. Cant say much more than that for now.

Famous last words?

Nothing magnificent ever came from a comfort zone!

Check out his dope sounds

Collections on Singular 1.0

Collections on Singular 2.0


Thank you for taking the time for this interview. We wish you a lot of success in the future.

Greetings to all beautiful souls in that space and beyond.

aemonkPost author

Web3 is the future!

All Things NFTs (ATN) is a space where we want to represent NFT Projects and Artists in the Dotsama space.


All Things NFTs (ATN) is a space where we want to represent NFT Projects and Artists in the Dotsama space.