AMA#12 Recap || BinanciansVN x Ariadne Finance

On November 02, Eugene Shimalsky participated in BinanciansVN AMA session to introduce Ariadne - The DeFi leading thread as well as answer some questions from the community.

Ariadne is a cross-chain DeFi marketplace that is lowering the fees to enter/exit farms on multiple blockchains and saves swaps and bridges costs for both EVM and non-EVM chains. In a nutshell, have funds on one chain and farm on another w/out leaving your chain.

Below is a summary of the outstanding questions and answers from the AMA session.

1. How important are liquidity providers to the Ariadne project, what kind of benefits do they provide to the ecosystem as a whole, and how are they compensated for the constant work they do to maintain some stability in the project ecosystem?


Super important! We are still evaluating amounts of incentive strategy but essentially our LP get all the benefits + our token

They are key to users ability "to jump in" on external network farms

2. Besides the Airdrop program and doing the AMA, what else will you do to market $ARDN so that more Investors will buy and hold them? What are the benefits for $ARDN holders in the long term?


The staking program will be live soon after launch! And since we are a farming product - our own farm obviously

3. DEFI is evolving too fast and the ability to break is very high. What do you think about this and can you be sure that Ariadne's products will be in demand in the long term? What is Ariadne planning to contribute to DeFi's growth?


We are not yet another protocol competing for liquidity. We reduce friction and build on marketing/products of other cool protocols. this is what DeFi is about

4. Can you list killer features of Ariadne that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your platform has that you feel most confident about ?


Ease of use and costs. It will be cheaper and easier. See it in action here:

5. Partnership is always an important factor for every project. So who is Ariadne's partner? What are the benefits you get from those relationships?


We got grants from NEAR and Aurora and went live to aurora mainnet in stealth) Also a Polygon cofounder is a private investor of ours. Impossible Finance is not only a launchpad but Advisor to the project.

6. Please tell us what your plans are for 2021? What are you guys doing now and how do you plan to expand and grow your project?


Working to add more farms and chains, preparing for audit and launch. The dev timeline is on the website!

7. How to become an ambassador for Ariadne and what are the requirements to be accepted? What will I do as an ambassador for the platform?


We are designing the program after ido! Not ready to share the details now, maybe in a month. Try to own some tokens in IDO or secondary market and we will make sure you benefit later

8. Community plays an important role in the development of a project? How will your guys work to build strong relationships with communities? And do you have any specific plan to focus on building local communities to help people easily understand about your project?


The Ambassador program is one of these elements here. We will also strive to deliver a product that will build the community itself - by better ux, lower fees

In the live questions section, Eugene did answer several short questions from the BinanciansVN community.

1. Currently from where I can buy it ? Is it possible that I can get it only by holding it?


IDO on 4th Nov. then on swaps.

2. On your website you don't mention that you have done any internal or external audit of your smart contract, so can you give us details if you have done any audit before? And in case you haven't, would you plan to perform any review of your smart contract in the near future?


Audits before we go live, definitely.

3. Can you tell me more details on the IDO? The schedule and contribution for each?


4 Nov. 300k$ worth of token sold in all, impossible finance, Boca chica etc.

4. Can you give an overview of your Tokenomics, and the UTILITY of Token?


Sure will. Shard in the official group. The utility comes from paying all the fees in local ARDN token (not paying gas fees in external chains).

5. Since NFT is popular nowadays, is there a plan for NFT integration?


No at the moment

6. Can you explain your Tokenomics Distribution? How many tokens will be minted ? And how many tokens will be locked by the team?


25 mil tokens total. Around 3.5 sold. All others are locked/vested in bridges and liquidity.

7. What are the key milestones on your roadmap - both things you have already achieved and things that we can look forward to? Any partnerships and short/long term technical milestones that you want to talk about or bring some attention to?


Launched on aurora and polygon in secret mode ) the roadmap is also on site!

About Ariadne Finance

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