Unique Networks - SubtraPunks

Recently Unique network launched their CryptoPunk'ish experiment where NFT based, generated SubstraPunks can be claimed in a testnetwork environment. check out their app: https://ipfs-gateway.usetech.com/ipns/QmaMtDqE9nhMX9RQLTpaCboqg7bqkb6Gi67iCKMe8NDpCE/

10,000 unique collectible characters with proof of ownership stored on the NFT Substrate blockchain Unique Network, is a remake and a tribute to CryptoPunks, the first "Non-Fungible Token," and inspiration for the Ethereum ERC-721 standard that powers most digital art and collectibles.

their respective wallet can be found here: https://uniqueapps.usetech.com/#/nft

nevvtonPost author

Hi folks.. I am nevvton both architect and programmer .. Into: research and analysis - privacy, tokeneconomics and governance mostly - working on digital media art / spatial installations, architecture in my spare time . founding member at www.riat.at - working on various projects in web3/ ecosphere. --> say hi and feel free to contact me

A place for people to discuss all things cryptoart , NFTs and contemporary beauty

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A place for people to discuss all things cryptoart , NFTs and contemporary beauty