1/🔥Thrilled to announce that a brand new #FeeMarket UI launched! 🔗 https://feemarket.darwinia.network

2/🔮Besides the UI/UX upgrade, we added Ethereum <> Darwinia Smart Chain / Crab Chain <> Crab Parachain and the corresponding test networks, added Relayer-related operation functions and optimized the display of order reward/slash distribution.

3.1/💡What is the Darwinia #FeeMarketSystem? It is a market-based cross-chain infrastructure that provides financial incentives for cross-chain message deliverers(relayers).

3.2/💡Through the profitability mechanism, promoting relayers actively participate in and deliver messages efficiently, which will make the cross-chain transaction system more robust and sustainable.


Darwinia NetworkPost author

Darwinia Network is a highly-secure programmable cross-chain messaging infrastructure for decentralized applications. Our light-client cross-chain messaging protocol (LCMP) supports arbitrary message passing between Substrate chains, and between Substrate and EVM chains, and SDK empower developers with the tools necessary to build the next generation of Web3 applications and seamless user experiences even when transacting across multiple chains or protocols.

Darwinia as a cross-chain messaging infrastructure will facilitate the building of a hybrid cross-chain network for Polkadot.

Follow us: linktr.ee/darwinianetwork

Darwinia Network is a programmable cross-chain messaging infrastructure for decentralized applications. Our light client-based cross-chain messaging protocol (LCMP) supports arbitrary message passing between Substrate and EVM chains, and SDK empowers developers with the tools necessary to build the next generation of Web3 applications, and create seamless user experiences, even when transacting across multiple chains.

Follow us: linktr.ee/darwinianetwork


Darwinia Network is a programmable cross-chain messaging infrastructure for decentralized applications. Our light... Show More