DotLeap 75 - XCMv3 incoming

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Polkadot Updates

🔴 ⭕️ Relay Chain

total supply - | staking - % | prchns & crwdlns - %

🔴 🏛 Governance

  • Referendum 55, proposing increasing the potential number of nominators and decreasing the minimum DOT to nominate to 10 DOT, passed and was executed. Note that this does not mean that all those nominating would receive staking rewards. Please read the Polkassembly post above for details.
  • The curator for Bounty #13 (security bug bounty for the Open Runtime Module Library) has accepted their nomination, and the bounty is now active. 
  • Motion 170, proposing a multisig curator to the ORML Security Bounty (Bounty #13), was approved. The Curator is a multisig with representatives from Acala, Parity, and Manta. 
  • Motion 171, proposing new features on Polkassembly, was approved and executed. 
  • Motion 172, seeking to provide badges for Polkadot Ambassadors for the PolkaOscar ceremony, was passed and executed. 
  • Encode Club has issued a new report on their Treasury-funded hackathon events from December 2021 through March 2022. 
  • Motion 173, proposing to fund the Polkascan Foundation, is currently under consideration by the Polkadot Council. 
  • Motion 174, proposing a Bounty for particular Polkascan initiatives, is currently under consideration by the Polkadot Council. 
  • NaN is seeking feedback on a potential proposal to complete an open-source Polkadot typeface based on the existing brand creatives. 
  • Afloat is looking for feedback on a proposal to migrate their software to the Polkadot ecosystem.

Want to show your project in this space? Buy the slot as an NFT!

Kusama Updates ₑₓₚₑcₜ cₕₐₒₛ

🦅 ⭕️ Relay Chain

total supply - | staking - % | prchns & crwdlns - %

  • Parathread 2108 won a parachain slot auction. A few days later, KILT announced that it owned the account.
  • Parathread 2003 won the most recent parachain slot auction. No one has claimed it yet.

🦅 🏛 Governance

  • Referendum 179, proposing to deregister parathread ID 2013, passed and will be executed in seven days. 
  • Referendum 180, proposing to increase the number of HRMP channels from 10 to 30, passed. 
  • Referendum 182, proposing to verify the identity of user JAM, is currently failing. 
  • Motion 443, seeking to resolve the sudo account issue on the Integritee parachain, was passed. It was also passed by the community as Referendum 181
  • Motion 444, closing Bounty #4 as the curator is unable to lead the project, was approved by the Council. 
  • Motion 445, proposing to fund Dotsama Among the Stars, has been approved by the Kusama Council. 
  • Motion 446, proposing an upgrade of the Kusama Runtime to v9180, was approved. Release notes, runtime changes and proposal hash can be found here. This release includes, among others, PR 4772 (login two parachains to swap slots), PR 10947 (bringing back max_nominators as a metadata constant), PR 4851 (adding proxy types for Kappa Sigma Mu) and PR 10690 (upgradable contracts using set_code function).
  • Community member CSaint02 would like feedback on potential changes to the voting parameters on Kusama
  • Encointer is seeking feedback on a potential Treasury Proposal for parachain infrastructure and maintenance during Q1 2022. It also posted about upgrading to v4 and creating its first community in Zurich.

⛓ Connected Parachains, dApps, and others

projects connected to the DOT and KSM relay chains

🔗 Candidate Parachains, dApps, and others

projects that are not yet connected to the DOT and KSM relay chains

🌎 Community & Ecosystem

🛠 Tools

  • Ink! has just released version 3.0
  • Polkadot-JS Apps has been updated to v0.109.1.
  • Polkadot-JS Extension has been updated to v0.42.9.
  • Polkadot-JS API has been updated to v7.13.1.

🌠 NFT Review

weekly newsletter keeping up with the evolution of NFTs in the Dotsama ecosystem.

  • RMRK announced Moonglade, a new collection in partnership with RMterra that focuses on planting trees, restoring land, feeding people, and demonstrating the awesomeness of multi-resource NFTs.
  • Nova Wallet mobile app now offers the new in its dApp browser.
  • All episodes of Tess Talks Crypto’s interview with the founders of Moonbeam and RMRK are now available for viewing: Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3.

👷‍♂️ Jobs in Web 3.0

Want your ad here? Buy it on Singular.

  •, home of the most advanced NFTs in the world, is looking for React, Rust, and Solidity developers, as well as a Marketing Executor. Get in touch!
  • Looking for a job developing with Substrate, or in the Polkadot or Kusama ecosystem? Check out the new Substrate Jobs site

That's it for this week - I hope this was as useful for you to read as it was for us to write!

Many thanks to Bill Laboon for his daily digest—which helps us not miss some important updates—and Raul Romanutti for helping us ensure that the governance news is accurate.

DotLeap is put together by Bruno Škvorc and gbaci.

Got any links for Bruno for the next edition? Find Bruno on Riot at, on Twitter, or via email at [email protected].

gbaciPost author

Content lead at and lover of $DOT

A fortnightly-ish newsletter about all things Web 3.0 from the Polkadot side

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A fortnightly-ish newsletter about all things Web 3.0 from the Polkadot side