DotLeap 81 - Polkadot Parachain Messaging Enabled

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Polkadot Updates

🔴 ⭕️ Relay Chain

total supply - ~1.19b DOT | staking - 53.5% | parachains & crowdloans - 31%

🔴 🏛 Governance

  • Funded by the Polkadot Treasury, the Polkadot for Beginners book by gbaci has been published. You can find it in PDF, EPUB, and as an NFT here.

  • Post 1022, a potential proposal to support Polkadot nodes at up to 50 different universities worldwide, is seeking feedback.
  • With one day left to vote, Referendum 59, to unbrick the Phala parachain, is passing by a wide margin. 
  • With one day left to vote, Referendum 61, to reduce the deposit for HRMP channels from 20,000 DOT to 10 DOT, is passing by a wide margin. 
  • Motion 189 by Polkascan to cover the work done regarding maintenance and support of their for Python Libraries, was approved by the Council.
  • Motion 190 by Oneblock, to fund the Polkadot Hackathon in China (for operations and winners' prizes) is approved by Council.

Kusama Updates ₑₓₚₑcₜ cₕₐₒₛ

🦅 ⭕️ Relay Chain

total supply - ~12.25m KSM | staking - 43.6% | parachains & crowdloans - 12%

  • Bifrost won the last parachain slot auction. 
  • With the passing of Referendum 191, Statemine has been upgraded to runtime v900. 

🦅 🏛 Governance

  • Referendum 190, seeking to force_transfer 63 KSM to Parallel Heiko’s sovereign account, failed.
  • With 4 days left to vote, Referendum 192, seeking to swap parachain slot leases for Karura, is passing by a wide margin. 
  • With 3 days left to vote, Referendum 193, to grant sufficiency to RMRK on Statemine, is passing by a wide margin. 
  • Public Proposal 65, to set the code on parachain 2115 (Dora Factory), is seeking endorsement to pass to vote as referendum.
  • is seeking feedback for their multi-chain analytics tool and a potential Treasury Proposal.
  • Motion 463, to create Spanish educational video tutorials, was approved by the Council.
  • Motion 466, which would approve a Treasury Proposal for infrastructure maintenance by OnFinality, was passed and executed. 
  • Motion 467, which would approve a Treasury Proposal for OpenSquare off-chain voting enhancements, was passed and executed. 
  • Motion 468 has passed council vote and it is now in external queue. The motion aims to help with Moonriver and Khala swap their new leases before the current LP ends: it will be up for vote by the community soon.
  • 1kvnode is seeking feedback on a potential Treasury Proposal for Kusama/Polkadot snapshot education and resiliency. 

⛓ Connected Parachains, dApps, and others

projects connected to the DOT and KSM relay chains

🔗 Candidate Parachains, dApps, and others

projects that are not yet connected to the DOT and KSM relay chains

🌎 Community & Ecosystem

  • If you are interested in influencing which proposal becomes a Referendum next, you can endorse one (or more) here.
  • Remember that the Web3 Foundation can provide support if you want to run a Polkadot meetup in your area. 
  • The Polkadot x Web3 Foundation team had a conversation with Uphold to talk about the past, present, and future of Polkadot.

🛠 Tools

  • Polkadot-JS API v8.3.1 has been released.

🌠 NFT Review

A weekly newsletter keeping up with the evolution of NFTs in the Dotsama ecosystem.

Read more

👷‍♂️ Jobs in Web 3.0

Want your ad here? Buy it on Singular.

  • Web3 Foundation is looking for a Technical Educator, Spec Engineer, and Technical Grants Evaluator. Apply here.

That's it for this week - I hope this was as useful for you to read as it was for us to write!

Many thanks to Bill Laboon for his daily digest—which helps us not miss some important updates—and Raul Romanutti for helping us ensure that the governance news is accurate.

DotLeap is put together by Bruno Škvorc and gbaci.

Got any links for Bruno for the next edition? Find Bruno on Riot at, on Twitter, or via email at [email protected].

gbaciPost author

Content lead at and lover of $DOT

A fortnightly-ish newsletter about all things Web 3.0 from the Polkadot side


A fortnightly-ish newsletter about all things Web 3.0 from the Polkadot side