BREAKING: Kusama Upgrade v0.9.1 passed council and is now a public referendum

Upgrade v0.9.1 passed council and is now a public referendum, fast-tracked to end Friday ~12pm CEST. This upgrade includes the code for parachains, auctions and crowdloans, reduces the min. vested transfer by 100x and reduces fees/deposits by 50x.

ₑₓₚₑcₜ cₕₐₒₛ.

Vote between now and Friday to add parachains, crowdloans and auctions to yours truly:

Join the discussion on Polkassembly:

How to Protect Yourself From Crowdloan Scams

Scams are unfortunately a real threat in the blockchain space that requires one to be vigilant. Fake crowdloan campaigns may present an attractive target for scammers. Always stay alert to protect yourself and your non-refundable crypto assets. If you suspect you're being scammed, please email the Web3 Foundation Support Team [email protected].

Essential Rules of Thumb:

  • Never share your seed phrase or account password.

  • Remember that it's easy for scammers to impersonate people online.

  • If you are participating in a Kusama-native crowdloan (see FAQ below), never send your KSM to an address. Native crowdloan contributions are made with a special transaction in Kusama using what's called a campaign index, where contributed KSM remain locked until the end of the lease period. Legitimate teams will not ask you to send KSM to an address to participate in a Kusama-native crowdloan.

  • If participating in a non-native crowdloan campaign, always consult the official channels of parachain teams to verify the details of how to participate. 

  • Remember that scammers may try to impersonate official channels and team members. Never participate in a crowdloan you don't trust, and never send tokens to someone you don't trust.Remember that if you are scammed, there is nothing that can be done to recover your funds.

Learn more about avoiding scams


The key to Kusama's scalable multichain architecture, parachains connect to the network by leasing a slot on the Relay Chain via permissionless auction. As Polkadot's canary network, Kusama will roll out parachain auctions first for testing and optimization. Parachains will likely be onboarded to Kusama gradually at first to make sure everything is running smoothly, but no promises.

Expect Chaos.

More info info about parachain auctions HERE


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