CrowdloanBot has been updated! All the info on each and every crowdloan, accessible in one place!

The third batch of Crowdloans for Kusama Parachain Slot Auctions is here. We updated our “Crowdloan Info Bot”. The powerful projects are already available there. Here is our favorites for this campaign:


Pioneer by Bit.Country — it is a decentralized metaverse platform with NFT, token economies and governance. Everyone can start their own metaverse with their own fungible or non-fungible tokens, timeline view, and 3D virtual world view.

Use our referral link to earn extra rewards in NEER tokens


The instruction how to participate in crowdloan campaign.


Picasso by Composable Finance — is a cross-chain and cross-layer interoperability platform. It serves as a hyper-liquidity infrastructure layer for DeFi assets, powered by Layer 2 Ethereum and Polkadot.


Crowdloan Bot features

As the parachains auction approaches, the number of projects that will announce their conditions and ways to participate in Crowdloan will be growing day by day. We will add this information to the “Crowdloan Info Bot”.

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