Polkadot and Kusama Take Flight! Bridge Activation Proposal Soars Through

The Polkadot<>Kusama bridge activation proposal passed! πŸ₯³

The last step now is to fund the bridge account and then we are ready to FLYYYYYY! πŸš€

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Great news DotSama fam

The bridge between the two chains is nearly ready to launch. All that's left is to put some DOT and KSM in the bridge's account to cover initial costs like fees. The good news is that these fees will eventually be paid for by users of the bridge itself. The bridge will pay for itself, and any extra fees might even go back to the treasury. Get ready to move your assets between Polkadot and Kusama with ease. As of this writing, the Referendum got a whopping 100% support from the community which is a very positive sign the referendum will get approved.
Since the Polkadot ←→ Kusama bridge is about to blast open cross-chain possibilities for Polkadot and Kusama, what are you most excited to transfer between the two chains once it goes live? DeFi tokens? NFTs?

Share your thoughts on this. 🍺🍺🍺

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Wavin GoodPost author

They call me a-not-so-Dr. Wavin Good. Blockchain architect by accident, an aspiring music-visualizing maestro, a chef of slightly-burnt midnight ramen, and my love for beer is as bubbly and persistent as a hard fork on a Friday night.

Co-founded Ethereum, birthed Polkadot, and still chases shiny tech like a Bitcoin-hangover canary with a crypto itch.

I don't pretend to have all the answers, friends. This blockchain lark is a messy business, like wrangling cats in a mosh pit. But hey, at least the beer's always cold, the code keeps me warm, and who knows, maybe one day we'll build a future where everyone can raise a glass to a decentralized pint of freedom.

Cheers! 🍺

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