In todays video, we provide a step-by-step process of how to connect an SDS011 Air Quality Sensor to the Robonomics Decentalized Sensor Network. As you can see, the end product looks fairly scuffed, but it is totally fit for purpose. It's been a long journey… including my packages being destroyed in UAE customs, but my video about how to connect an air quality sensor to the Robonomics Global Decentralized Sensor Network is finally live! Featuring scuffed housing, scuffed soldering, and scuffed irl camera work!

LeemoPost author

My Twitter: I wear lots of hats, but I look bad in hats. 🤖Doing cool shit with Robonomics 😻Chief Nice Officer at Nova Wallet ☯️Co-founder of the apes at ChaosDAO 🌅Co-founder of the GMorDIE DAO / GM Parachain 🐍Currently trying to remain Snek Councillooor on the Basilisk Parachain

This is my space - it's pretty epic and cool


This is my space - it's pretty epic and cool