Q&A: Grill Release

Ask me anything related to our new release 🔥️️️️️️

Currently, it's in a middle phase with many new features on the horizon. However, I believe many aspects may still be unclear. So, you, as early birds, can help me understand the main bottlenecks and misunderstandings, and what needs improvement first, and get rewarded by me!

I have a reward pool: ALL MY WEEK'S REWARDS!

Each reward: 500-1000 SUB

The number of winners depends on my rewards!

Small tip: I get rewards from each like on your comments, so be active, interact with each other, and increase your chance to be rewarded.

Oleh MellPost author

Head of Product at Subsocial

My social links: Telegram Github

The space is your go-to source for the latest recipes in Subsocial development. Here I serves up hearty portions of insights, infografics, ideas and dreams for cooking up innovative web3 social projects in the blockchain space


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The space is your go-to source for the latest recipes in Subsocial development. Here I serves up hearty portions of... Show More