Polimec -Decentralized community-driven funding protocol for Web3

@PolimecProtocol is a decentralized community-driven funding protocol for Web3, which enables fundraising in a decentralized, transparent, and regulatory compliant manner.

On Oct 2023, Polimec has become the 51 parachain on Polkadot through a private crowdloan: https://twitter.com/PolimecProtocol/status/1710555691562250534

The team has submitted a proposal which allows stablecoins on AssetHub to be used for fundraising on Polimec. This will helps to increase the usage of native stable coins on Polkadot.

Soon the project will be launched, which allows for a gradual implementation of functionalities. Check our banner for the detailed launching process of Polimec or read here: https://link.medium.com/4JkUknm0aFb

For more information about Polimec, check: https://www.polimec.org/

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PolkaWarriors - A non-profit & unofficial worldwide community of $DOT hodlers., we aims to promote and educating the community with our knowledge and skills


PolkaWarriors - A non-profit & unofficial worldwide community of $DOT hodlers., we aims to promote and educating the... Show More