Zeitgeist Crowdloan Details

1/ Zeitgeist has just announced the opening of Kusama crowdloan campaign in preparation for deployment of the Zeitgeist Network as a live Kusama parachain. https://twitter.com/ZeitgeistPM/status/1466772883603177476

2/ Zeitgeist Crowdloan program was created to balance the rewards early adopters deserve within the community, with a structure that secures a long-term plan for the desired Kusama parachain slots.

3/ For this first Zeitgeist Crowdloan, 12.5% of the genesis supply has been allocated to reward those who bond KSM specific for the Zeitgeist parachain bid.

4/ For more details, visit: https://dotmarketcap.com/blog-detail/2457/zeitgeists-kusama-crowdloan-campaign

5/ Update the crowdloan progress & contribute to your favorite project at: https://dotmarketcap.com/auction/

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PolkaWarriors - A non-profit & unofficial worldwide community of $DOT hodlers., we aims to promote and educating the community with our knowledge and skills


PolkaWarriors - A non-profit & unofficial worldwide community of $DOT hodlers., we aims to promote and educating the... Show More