Office Hour -1 Recap and More.


  • candidate address for Shokunin Network's treasury at


  • [alongside inviting all creators funded by the network, we should maybe] invite any financier whos contribution doubles the pot of funds at that point of time to be a facilitator.

Unfortunately I didn't record this one - will do from now on.

Beginning of the call:

  • an overview of the tools we have now in the apps UI to interact with proxies!
  • need to test delayed proxies in the UI (post-call note: implies they aren't supported yet, so people will have to use the extrinsics tab until that is implemented, unfortunately - more guides for me to write I guess!)
  • technical limitations: only 32 direct facilitators maximum - need mechanics to cycle folks out.
  • the long term possibility of codifying some of the rules as a pallet, and freeing ourselves of some of the limitations of proxies, instead of continuously relying on facilitators to act as some kind of human collective smart contract environment (see the society pallet as an example of an existing organisation that has some of this formalization).

What I forgot to ask:

  • Where should I deploy? (Twitter said Karura, I think it should probably be Kusama or Statemine, and will probably default to Kusama - migration and bridging will likely be possibilities as we develop)

What you forgot/couldn't make it to ask:

  • insert your questions in the comments here of in the discord!

The meat of the sandwich:

Launch Membership and it's considerations

I was concerned financiers would feel no reason to support something that they would have no say in the direction of after supporting - the initial idea was that the sole rewards for supporting the network should be at the behest of creators - and facilitators would be exclusively based on creators that wish to take on the role.

Some considerations for this proposal are:

  1. Financiers should have a pathway to be invited to be facilitators.

  2. We have technical limits on the number of accounts that can directly be proxies of the fund account (32 different "permission sets", if everyone has multiple different sets of permissions, ie, normal actions on one delay and cancellation on a shorter, or no delay, that means we have maybe half that many spots for members)

  3. ... and user experience issues with multiple layers of proxies (calling a proxy from another proxy is basically entirely unsupported in any UI tool other than manually using the extrinsics tab).

  4. ... therefore, the criteria for joining the network via funding should be fairly strict.

One option I'm proposing as an addendum or alternative to this is to invite any financier that doubles the pot of funds at any point of time to be a facilitator. This means as proposals are funded, the threshold to become a member decreases over time - similar to a dutch auction, but as soon as a member contributes enough to join with this mechanism, the threshold immediately doubles.

The mechanism of creators automatically having an invitation to be facilitators will stay in place, the logic being that creators have already implicitly been vetted by the network, whereas financing the organisation is largely permissionless - if we want to maintain some balance and resistance to people "paying to grief the network", it is clear creators should have a more straightforward path to entry, and financiers should potentially have different starting parameters than creators (but are still able to be promoted or demoted as the network evolves).

So the nuance I've taken out of that is:

  1. Financiers must double the current pot at the point in time their transaction confirms - if many financiers attempt to fund at the same time, only the one that actually doubled the pot gets the spot! it's a race / a game.

  2. Financiers and Creators prove their account identity to a facilitator with a signed message including their identity on our communication channel (currently discord) and an acknowledgement of what they are asking for (both as part of the signed message!).

  3. Financiers get a very short delay (hours) for their cancellation permission, and a normal delay (2/3 days) for their execution permission when becoming facilitators - this is to grant them veto rights as expected, but NOT allow someone to buy the ability to halt the entire process. Creators get no delay on their cancellation permission (presumably they have an incentive to maintain the existence of the pot in the longer term, instead of potentially seeking some short-term financial return - and we need someone to be able to cancel griefers' cancellation attempts if they happen) - but the same delay (2/3 days) on execution.

  4. When we start hitting the restriction on the number of proxy participants - we should begin proposing; the removal of permissions from folks who have least recently interacted with the proxy or the offchain conversation; and gathering groups of facilitators into second-level proxies and/or multisigs (and then kicking them out as individual members) - this is a problem we should solve as it becomes imminent.

Launch Proposals (Ideas)

Aggregated from various conversations:

  1. Tutorial Videos on how to interact with Shokunin (or, more broadly, proxies and delayed proxies).

  2. Tutorials on how to deploy similar orgs.

  3. Better tools to interact with the chainside, and present any offchain coordination in context.

  4. OpenCollective style frontend to create and manage proxy-based orgs like Shokunin.

  5. - a project some of us have been discussing under the informal moniker of "Metaverse 4 All" - a cross-platform and web-native high performance XR renderer and potential "metaverse" platform using the best of what we currently have to work with regarding web technologies - currently being maintained and built by a single dev who I want to pay for their time!

  6. Asset packs of a useful scope and quality, to be made available to the public free for derivative or commercial use.

  7. Maintainance work for abandoned or liberally licenced assets.

  8. Your Idea Here? (or on discord)

Launch Deployment Candidate!

I just deployed a candidate address for Shokunin Network's treasury at

And with the deployment of the account, and some amount of funds present in it, The first couple of prospective facilitators basically need to trust me not to put in a withdrawal proposal and run away with their funds - future prospective facilitators only need to trust that at least one current facilitator will behave honestly - the more we grow, the more confidence folks should have in their contributions being safe, in theory.

If this candidate deployment attains a couple of prospective facilitators, I commit to funding it with around 2000KSM from the proceeds of the "big unlock" of KSM on the 15th/16th. (Which will quite likely cut folks off from the facilitator game until we get some projects funded)

Ideas for other people!

Someone should make a "will executor" organizations with proxies - to become a member, you need to give the organization delayed proxy or recovery access to your account - when a member dies, the other members find and execute their will and distribute their onchain assets accordingly.

Shower thoughts on mortality.

JAM (human) Post author

I'm not yelling at you, I'm yelling at the egregore eating your mind.

The shokunin has a social obligation to work their best for the general welfare of the people.


The shokunin has a social obligation to work their best for the general welfare of the people.