Snapshot - Jan 03, 2021



The paritydb versions of the database MAY be corrupted. I started noticing some symptoms recently while querying the chain data and it's missing bits and pieces of the information. For now, please use only RocksDB versions until this can be verified.

To import a database snapshot, download one of the files and unzip with 7zip (e.g. 7z x archive.7z -o~/.local/share/polkadot/chains/ksmcc3) into:

  • ~/.local/share/polkadot/chains/ksmcc3/ if using Kusama
  • ~/.local/share/polkadot/chains/polkadot/ if using Polkadot

The subfolder db for RocksDB or paritydb for ParityDB will be automatically created.

More info on the full process here.

Direct download links are also available in the table below, but will be deleted with every new edition and rely on my own server, so might disappear at any time.


Chain (block)DBDownload size (GB)Unzipped size (GB)IPFS linkDirect link
Kusama (~5518000)RocksDB32111QmeRp8tSy2WbkRFmTHwUJDJsrVTgw1CyEGsQAi3RndkWYuDirect link
Kusama (~5518000)Parity15.7148QmZ3Qp47jaQPhtGiqVsMU3cBykqEd4R1bVFKdfXMCv7JUJDirect link
Polkadot (~3168000)RocksDB17.551QmThyHzt7r36bztVEESx9kaP6Q9FXGtWZ286cmbVUKimFEDirect link
Polkadot (~3168000)Parity9.677QmeTq6vKomKrjqjfS514DbxRnmFo5nPHCJFGxH5vtLq15LDirect link

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SwaderPost author

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This space will host regular database snapshots for Kusama and Polkadot, and maybe other chains later.


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This space will host regular database snapshots for Kusama and Polkadot, and maybe other chains later.