Zeitgeist's Testnet Is Live! Unique Campaign To Celebrate

Our Testnet is live! To celebrate the milestone, we're launching our first official Prediction Market! Aptly called "The Kusama Derby", users can predict who will win the upcoming slots on Kusama Network's parachain auctions. Here's how it works, and how to take part: 👇👇 https://blog.zeitgeist.pm/zeitgeist-presents-the-kusama-parachain-derby/


The Subsocial account of Zeitgeist.PM: The team building blockchain tech that facilitates prediction markets and the futarchy form of governance. Built by Web 3’s most innovative thinkers, we’re all about progress. ✊

An evolving blockchain designed to facilitate prediction markets and the futarchy form of governance. Built by Web 3’s most innovative thinkers, we’re all about progress. ✊ Get in touch if you’re building next-gen blockchain protocols. 📲


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An evolving blockchain designed to facilitate prediction markets and the futarchy form of governance. Built by Web... Show More