DApp Staking v3 User Guide

The purpose of this dApp Staking v3 User Guide is to detail every step required for stakers and developers before its launch on Astar to ensure a smooth transition to dApp Staking v3.

You will also find guides on how to stake, claim rewards, and withdraw your tokens, all in one place.

❗ Please make sure you read the previous article to familiarize yourself with dApp Staking v3, its major updates, specifics and new terminology in dApp Staking v3 Explained article.

About Migration From v2 to v3

Key points to understand about the migration process:

  • All stakers and dApp owners should claim their rewards before dApp Staking v3 is launched.
  • All registered dApps will be migrated, no actions required from the dApp owners.
  • Staker’s locked tokens will be migrated (automatically).
  • Stakes WILL NOT be migrated. This means that all the tokens that were staked in v2 will be now locked, but not staked. All stakers will need to pick which dApp(s) to stake on again, or unlock their tokens if they do not wish to receive rewards further.
  • Locked tokens will not generate rewards unless they are not staked.
  • Once v3 is deployed, v2 will be removed.

📌 Steps to Do Before Migration


  1. Make sure you claim all your generated rewards before the launch.

You can claim your rewards at any given point of time. Once v3 is launched, all of the unclaimed v2 rewards will become inaccessible. However, Astar team will ensure that all users’ pending rewards are claimed.
Please, find more information on the reward claim in this Astar Forum discussion.

2. After the launch (when all stakes will be reset to 0), evaluate the dApp(s) you have been staking on and choose which dApp(s) to stake on again.

Keep in mind that all your previously staked tokens will unstaked, but will be kept locked. We encourage you to re-stake them, or unlock if you do not wish to continue getting rewards.


  1. Make sure you claim all your generated rewards before the launch. Otherwise they will be lost.
  2. Communicate with your communities and stakers, encouraging them to actively support the project by staking once dApp Staking v3 is launched.

For more information on migration, please refer to this Astar Forum post.

dApp Staking Audit

DApp staking v3 has been audited by SR Labs. For more information, please check out the audit report.

dApp Staking v3 Participation Limitations

Ledger Astar Native App Users

❗ For Ledger users who use the native account (Astar Native App), dApp staking v3 will be temporarily unavailable.

This is due to how Ledger app works & what is currently being developed.

Ledger users will still be able to withdraw funds from dApp staking after migration, they only won’t be able to stake & claim rewards in the new protocol version.

  • Why this limitation? Ledger is currently developing a new generic app for all Polkadot/Kusama parachains, and that should be available soon (within months). Once that’s available, Ledger native users will be able to participate in dApp staking v3.
  • What can I do right now? If you wish to actively participate in dApp Staking v3 right from the start, you should start the unbonding period (to optimize your rewards, initiate unbonding prior or right after the launch) and move your funds to either Astar EVM Account supported by Ledger (see below), or alternatively move funds to a hot wallet.

For more information and guidance, please refer to Astar Official Documentation and Astar Forum post on this topic.

Ledger Astar EVM App Users

For Astar EVM Ledger App (Astar EVM) users, there are no limitations moving to dApp Staking v3. You will be able to participate in dApp staking v3 immediately.

All Other Native and EVM Accounts

For users staking with Native and EVM Accounts, there are no limitations moving to dApp Staking v3. You will be able to participate in dApp staking v3 immediately.


In dApp Staking v3 all tokens are unstaked from all dApps at the end of the Periods, but they remain locked. Every user must stake on dApps again at the beginning of each the new Period.

❗ Make sure to vote and stake every new Period.

1. Visit dApp Staking on the Portal

Go to the Astar Portal and click on the dApp Staking page.

Make sure you are connected to the correct network:

  • Shibuya Network: testnet;
  • Shiden Network: mainnet on Kusama;
  • Astar Network: mainnet on Polkadot.

2. Discover Projects

What’s New: Staked TVL and Project Leaderboards are available at the top of the page. Now you can also view the tier of every dApp.

To learn more about the project, click on the project’s card. To make an informed decision, you can also check our Forum, DefilLama or DappRadar.

3. Vote & Stake

Click on the Vote/Stake today button on the dApp staking page or Vote & Stake button on the project page.

Once on the voting page, choose as many projects as you would like to support and enter the desired amount that can vary for each selected dApp.

You can view how many tokens you have available to stake, and how many are locked or already staked in the section above the Confirm button.

As the last step, confirm your decisions by clicking on Confirm and sign the transaction on the network.

For more information, please refer to this section of Astar Documentation.

Managing Stakes and Claiming Rewards

Managing Stakes

Once you have staked, a new panel named Staking will appear in the Assets PageMy Staking Panel. This is where you track your staking and locked tokens, see your pending rewards and take actions with your tokens and rewards.

  • Locked amount: Total amount of tokens locked in the address;
    • Unlock (↑): Unlock your locked tokens (subject to unlocking parameters);
    • Stake (↓): Stake your locked tokens in dApp Staking;
  • Staked amount: Total amount of tokens you have staked;
  • Rewards: Total of the estimated Basic and Bonus rewards;
    • Available: Basic estimated rewards earned during the Build&Earn Subperiod;
    • Bonus: Bonus estimated rewards earned during the Vote Subperiod (if eligible).

For more information, please refer to this section of Astar Documentation.

Claiming Rewards

To claim your rewards, click on the Claim Button and sign the transaction.

If you have a lot of unclaimed rewards (Eras), you may have to make several Claim calls to receive all your rewards.

❗ All pending rewards on a dApp must be claimed before staking again.

For more information, please refer to this section of Astar Documentation.

Managing the dApps You Staked On

My dApps Panel is where you can see all dApps you have staked on and manage your stake.

  • Bonus: if you are eligible for the Bonus on this dApps;
  • Move (→) : you can move staked tokens between different dApps;
  • Add (↓) : you can add more tokens in dApp staking on the desired dApp;
  • Unlock (↑) : you can select how many tokens you want to unlock from your staked amount.

Move Staked Tokens between dApps

Once your tokens have been staked on a dApp, you always have the option of reconsidering your decisions and moving them to another dApp.

  1. Go to the Staking Panel in the Asset Page;
  2. Under My dApps, click on the Move button (→) of the dApp from which you want to move your tokens.

Select the dApp(s) to which you want to Move your tokens, enter the desired amount, on the Confirm Button and sign the transaction on the network.

Bear in mind that when you move tokens from one dApp to another, you are unstaking from one dApp to stake on a new dApp, which therefore has an impact on your rewards for those dApps.

For more information, please refer to this section of Astar Documentation.

Unstaking from dApps

If you have staked on the dApp(s), you can click on Unlock from My dApps Panel in the Asset Page to make your tokens transferrable:

  1. Click on the Unlock button (↑) on the dApp you want to unstake from;
  2. Select the amount you want to Unlock, or click on Max to unlock your complete stake;
  3. Click on Start Unlocking.

When unlocking tokens, a new window appears in your Staking Panel — Unlocking:

  • Remaining Days gives you an estimation on how many days or Eras you have to wait before being able to withdraw your tokens;
  • When your unlock period is over, you need to withdraw your funds by clicking on the withdraw button. Sign the transaction and your tokens will be made transferrable in your wallet;
  • In case you change your mind, you can re-lock your tokens again to use them in dApp Staking.


If you unstake some of your tokens from a dApp and your remaining tokens are below the minimum staking amount for a dApp, all your tokens will be unstaked from that dApp;

If you unstake your tokens from one dApp during the Build&Earn subperiod and your staked tokens on this dApp are less than your staked tokens at the end of the Voting subperiod for the same dApp, you will no longer be eligible for the Bonus Rewards for that dApp.

For more information, please refer to this section of Astar Documentation.

Useful Links


Astar Network provides the infrastructure for building dApps with EVM and WASM smart contracts offering developers true interoperability with cross-consensus messaging (XCM) and a cross-virtual machine (XVM). Astar’s unique Build2Earn model empowers developers to get paid through a dApp staking mechanism for the code they write and dApps they build.


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Astar Network provides the infrastructure for building dApps with EVM and WASM smart contracts offering developers... Show More