Polkadot Ecosystem last week?

Have you updated all the information of projects in Polkadot last week?

Here is the latest news we have summarized. Take a look and follow all the progress of the whole ecosystem ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

Polkadot The second summer Polkadot Hackathon Developer Entrepreneurship Competition was officially opened on May 13th. https://twitter.com/DotMarketCap_/status/1398481567404609538?s=20

Moonbeam Moonbase Alpha is upgraded to v8 and is now feature-complete for the Moonriver Launch. https://twitter.com/API3DAO/status/1398278226733109258?s=20

Polkastarter Polkastarter ($POLS) was listed on Crypto.com https://twitter.com/polkastarter/status/1398605796519387138

Apron Network Apron Network will join the Kusama Parachain Slot Auction https://twitter.com/apronofficial1/status/1398650854173941760

Apron Network introduced Privacy Protocol Tech with Evanesco https://twitter.com/apronofficial1/status/1396846228323803141?s=20

API3 The API3 integration with Moonbeam Network https://twitter.com/API3DAO/status/1398278226733109258?s=20

Standard STND Staking is Now Available for Uniswap V2 LP. https://twitter.com/standarddefi/status/1398264054733426695?s=20

RMRK - BitCountry RMRK announced a partnership with Bit.country through their Kanaria project and RMRK2.0 standards. https://twitter.com/RmrkApp/status/1398299192725061637?s=20

HydraDX HydraDX became a member of the DeFi Alliance. https://twitter.com/hydra_dx/status/1398362551541538821

Konomi Konomi Testnet is ready https://twitter.com/KonomiNetwork/status/1397501313014013953

Fearless FearlessWallet has developed a staking version for DOT & KSM on mobile apps. https://twitter.com/PolkaWarriors_/status/1398273362451779585?s=20

FEARLESS Wallet provided the Parachain Lease Offering functionality for Plasm Network, ShidenNetwork and other networks. https://twitter.com/FearlessWallet/status/1397872741185900545?s=20

Plasm Network The Parity & Plasm teams submitted 3 proposals that leverage Substrate, Polkadot, and Plasm to implement Braveโ€™s public blockchain. https://twitter.com/Plasm_Network/status/1398164655583895553?s=20

Subsocial Subsocial just updated the "Editor Role" feature for accounts https://twitter.com/PolkaWarriors_/status/1398115111378710530

Parity The next Parity & Friends meetup will be on June 3 with the presence of Plasm Network. https://twitter.com/ParityTech/status/1398276403163013128

Evanesco Network Evanesco Reboots ITO, Round 1st on May 29th https://twitter.com/evanescoio/status/1397865902817775619?s=20

Sigmadex Introducing the Sigmadex SDK - SDEX.js - Native JavaScript Library for building DeFi apps on top of the Sigmadex Protocol. https://twitter.com/Sigmadex/status/1397595989393907715

Ternoa Ternoa was listed on gate_io and Uniswap on May 28. https://twitter.com/Ternoa_/status/1398292409147068417

Manta x Crust Manta Network announced a partnership with Crust Network https://twitter.com/MantaNetwork/status/1398262551759265793

DataHighway DataHighway ($HDX) was listed on gate_io on 29 May https://twitter.com/gate_io/status/1398571171214471169

Reef Finance Reef has announced the launch of Reef Chain Mainnet Canary version https://twitter.com/ReefDeFi/status/1398243919868043267

Cycan Network The airdrop will be done before the list time, the contract address of HIP will be released at around 6 PM(UTC+8), 31st. https://twitter.com/CycanNetwork/status/1398935416829480961

SubDAO x PlatON SubDAO announced a partnership with PlatON https://twitter.com/subdao_network/status/1397480931984756739?s=20

PolkaBTC PolkaBTC just updated their latest beta at beta.polkabtc.io. This comes with burning mode to swap PolkaBTC for DOT and recovery mechanism if you over- or underpay on your BTC deposit. https://twitter.com/polkaBTC/status/1398308081591885831?s=20

Zenlink Zenlink announced the integration of their SlotVault Deeply and Bifrost SALP, which aims to provide first liquidity derivatives mining product for PLO. https://twitter.com/ZenlinkPro/status/1398218143957278722?s=20

Joystream Joystream released Summer Network https://twitter.com/JoystreamApp/status/1397935716873682946?s=20

Tidal x Conversation Tidal announced a partnership with Conversation https://twitter.com/tidaldefi/status/1397888410782617601?s=20

QuanPost author

IGS at Illusionistgroup.com | Member of PolkaWarriors | DotMarketCap.Com #POLKADOT #KUSAMA #ACALA #POLKAWARRIORS_NEWS #POLKAWARRIORS_ISSUEWEEKLY!

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