What is Integritee all about?

Looking for a quick overview of our goals and vision?

This quick 2-minute video details what challenges Integritee addresses, including processing potentially sensitive data in a regulatory compliant manner and enabling greater blockchain scalability. It then outlines 3 potential use cases in the health, cryptocurrency and messaging sectors.

Finally, it provides a very brief overview of the underlying technology powering our platform.

Watch the video here: https://bit.ly/3L4kcfV

Integritee CommsPost author

Integritee harnesses the speed and confidentiality of Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) as well as the transparency and trust of public blockchains to create the fastest, most scalable Web3 protocol for securely processing sensitive data.

Integritee enables developers and firms to unchain the value of sensitive data. By combining the trust of Polkadot with the confidentiality and speed of enterprise-grade hardware, it will power a new generation of data-driven dApps and services.


Integritee enables developers and firms to unchain the value of sensitive data. By combining the trust of Polkadot... Show More