Polkadot Auctions Analysis

Polkadot Auction Rewards Analysis

  • This sheet is to review the rewards of Polkadot Auctions. The results depend on plenty of variables that you can select.
  • To interact with it, you can copy it and add API connector to update prices.
  • Things written in red mean they are not confirmed by the projects / information missing.
  • To only check on what rewards project offer, refer to the slide "Projects Rewards, Vesting & Distribution". I'll update it as soon as more information is available.

Things to see:

  • Break-even MC: This breakeven is based on Selection of Columns C &
  • Benefit & ROI: This is based on C & I & L
  • DONNIE RATIO: What % of a project does 1,000,000 U$D give you

**Variables to Changes: **

  • Column C: "% Dot Locked" will strongly influence rewards as we still don't have a CAP for most projects. You can change that variable accordingly. I Selected 2% of DOT supply as it was the average for KSM projects.
  • Column I: "Selected MarketCap" can be changed to Supply "at Launch", "at 6 months", "at eand of lease".
  • Column M: "Predicted MarketCap" Select this to calculate Benefit & ROI against Staking dot for that period.
  • Column L: "DOT to LOCK" Select the amount of DOT you are locking.
  • In slide "Projects Rewards, Vesting & Distribution" You can also select what bonuses you get (referral, early birds, etc). I selected the max possible, but you can select the other combinations.
  • In slide "API Connector instructions:" you can add an API to coingecko to update prices.

Personal Take:

  • Certain Projects have great rewards (Litentry) but they have a token listed which might hinder returns.
  • Certain projects have pretty low rewards, but they have good fundamentals and a very low initial supply + high initial token unvested, which gives them a good initial bump Moonbeam).
  • Some projects have a bit of everything, but are really dependent on what initial Supply will be (Astar).
  • Some projects have acceptable rewards, great initial hype and strong fundamentals which might be enough (Acala).

All in all, DYOR and play with the sheet.

In case of suggestions, comment here or message me on telegram @genge7

GENGEPost author

This is an attempt to stop a war.

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