Shiden Network's - Astar Launch Celebration


We are extremely excited to announce that our product is ready to ship! To celebrate we are giving away prizes to help educate and build our community (see details below).

In having received five grants from the Web3 Foundation, funding from Binance Labs + 23 notable investors, along with a wide range of support from Microsoft Japan, we would like to extend our sincerest thanks to all our supporters, including our extended community. This journey would not have been possible without you.

Astarnaut: "Read the following, and remember if you want to win, don't forget to pay attention. We will be testing you later!"

1. What is Astar & Shiden?

Astar and Shiden (like sister planets) are scalable smart contract platforms optimized to scale dApps. As a multi-chain decentralized application layer built on, our platforms are designed to be parachains on the Polkadot and Kusama networks. Each is optimized to support cutting-edge layer 2 (L2) solutions for developers choosing to build on these networks.

Both Astar and Shiden aspire to be the premier dApp Hub for everyday users. And as collective, aspire to be THE app store for decentralized applications for everyday users on Polkadot and Kusama. However, more importantly, the decentralized provider for enterprise-level, out-of-the-box infrastructure bridging to multiple ecosystems.

Figure 1 (above) : Shows Polkadot's connection to ASTAR, a substrate based parachain. Given other L1 protocols have different consensus algorithims, generally speaking, Substrate is required to inter-communicate with other L1 protocols (ETH, BNB, ATOM). Learn more here about the Web 3.0 Technology Stack. Effecively, this image demonstates Polkadot as the Internet Service Provider for blockchains, or wi-fi which passes messages and data cross-chain. For those interested, a high level explanation can be found here.

2. How does it work exactly?

Astar & Shiden empower everyday users (you) to stake tokens aside your favorite smart contract applications (dApps) that natively support the Ethereum Virtual Machine and WebAssembly.

(Click here to see the live dApp store)

In return for supporting your favorite dApps, you receive staking rewards with a portion of your rewards sponsoring the teams which developed them. This has a strong network effect where everyone enjoys the benefits, fostering organic growth in our ecosystem.

Simply put, your vote of confidence enables a free market economy, where resources pool toward the most productive applications. Most importantly, and as a first in the crypto space, this has ONLY been made possible by integrating Proof of Stake consensus. Subsequently, we believe we have a bright future as the leading solution for application development in the Polkadot and Kusama ecosystems.

See Astar's pitch deck for more details.

Polkadot (DOT) contributions to the crowdloan can be made here --> Astar Crowdloan.

Thank you for reading. You will now be tested on your knowledge so we hope you were paying attention!


How Will Prizes be Awarded?

You will accumulate points for completing tasks on At the end of the competition, the rafflepress select random winner selector will select a first place, second place, third place, fourth place, and 45 additional winners. Although the winners will be randomly selected, the API is set up to award those who have completed the most tasks and accumulated the most entries/points.

The more you complete tasks, the more entries you receive to increase your chances of winning!


Start: 07:00 UTC 11th November 2021 End: All submissions are due at 01:00 UTC on November 28th, 2021.

Winners will be announced from Shiden & Astar's Twitter on November 30th, 2021. Winners will also be notified by email.


DO NOT CHEAT! If you are caught cheating you will be disqualified.

Have fun!

See our terms and conditions

NB: Campaign approval has been given by ASTAR but is not run by ASTAR. This campaign is run by a 3rd party "Simply Stake PTY LTD". All prizes come from the Shiden Community Rewards Pool (ZfEuzYHyfo5TZfAx9fsntdkx2W4gDFLPwUNeqSrJTpQJXDc), and will be facilitated by Stake Technologies.

-The Grand Prize Pack-


2000 $SDN


1000 $SDN


500 $SDN


200 $SDN

  • 5TH - 50TH PLACE

50 $SDN


Enter → Share → Complete Tasks → Collect Points → WIN Prizes!!

BowlisticPost author

Astar and Shiden (like sister planets) are scalable smart contract platforms optimized to scale dApps. As a multi-chain decentralized application layer built on, our platforms are designed to be parachains on the Polkadot and Kusama networks. Each is optimized to support cutting-edge layer 2 (L2) solutions for developers choosing to build on these networks.


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Astar and Shiden (like sister planets) are scalable smart contract platforms optimized to scale dApps. As a... Show More