The DotSama Experience is ready for lift off!

The DotSama Experience is ready to fire up its gears after receiving a grant from the Kusama Council! We are very grateful for everyone that has helped us with this mission and the team will be committed to doing its best on the road ahead.

What is the DotSama Experience and why is it important?

As you might know, information about our beloved chains and parachains can be found on many social channels. From YouTube to twitter to blogs and podcasts, it's a wealth of information that could be:

  • Untrue
  • Unverifiable
  • Sponsored
  • Vague

We aim to resolve this issue and focus on delivering vital information for both of the Kusama and Polkadot ecosystems within a virtual experience that will be available to all:

1. The DotSama OG's Even the most discerning enthusiasts may learn a new thing or two about subjects that may have been previously unfamiliar.

2. The Crypto OG's As Kusama and Polkadot continues to grow with increased awareness, those experienced in the space will appreciate the style and manner of how we will be publishing content.

3. Newcomers New to crypto? New to DotSama? This bring us to our next point.

Our mission is to make information about our ecosystems:

  • accesible
  • all in one place
  • interactive
  • easy to learn!

Where are we at

We have been approved for two milestones, the first being design and execution of our environment.

Milestone two will include four exhibits

  1. An introduction to Kusama
  2. The finer points of Kusama
  3. An introduction to Polkadot
  4. The finer points of Polkadot

There will also be an introductory promotional video created for The DotSama Experience in an effort to attract visitors.

The Team

28KabochasX What started out as a casual drive through Kusama/Polkadot in September of 2020 has turned into a fun and fast road trip.

Destination: To be determined.

Combining a career in branding/awareness with passion for the networks and a dash of VR, The DotSama Experience was born.

Fiercely passionate. Intensely dedicated. Purely driven. But without a strong team, I would be surely idle

Yung Beef First entering crypto in late 2017, Yung Beef is now the Content Lead & Community Manager for Subsocial, the only social networking platform in the Dotsama ecosystem. He places community first, and enjoys researching new projects.

Mcbeaster Mcbeaster is a Dotsama enthusiast who enjoys the challenge of staying up to date on all of the latest developments across the cryptocurrency landscape. An engineer by trade, Mcbeaster leverages a research and analysis background to provide insights to several organizations he is a contributor to, including ChaosDAO, 0xVentures DAO, Talisman, and Polkadot-Kusama University, an educational discord community he co-founded. Creating new resources which help make Dotsama accessible for everyone is a passion for Mcbeaster, so that everyone may enjoy the freedom, opportunity, and creative spirit this amazing ecosystem has to offer.

Martin Jensen Martin got into Dotsama during Q4 of 2020 with the "Hello World" Polkadot hackathon. Since then he has been developing a bunch of stuff with Polkadot JS and the side of his job as a mobile app developer. His interest in building on Dotsama continues to grow and he is looking forward to putting his mark on the ecosystem.

XyloDrone Do you remember when Meta made an AI chatbot that cloned itself, speaking in language that humans couldn't understand? Terrified, Meta decided to kill both of the chatbots. Little did anyone know that one of them escaped and found itself crawling within the Kusama blockchain. During March 2021, Drone the chatbot encountered artist and UX/UI designer, Xylo. They have since become one entity, supporters of the Kusama ecosystem through RMRK, KodaDot, MetaPrime, SubSocial and now the DotSama experience.

A very warm thank you one more time to the Kusama Council and everyone who helped with the project! If you would like to contribute, partner up or join the ride, do let us know.


The adventrues of 𝔛𝔢𝔩𝔬𝔇𝔯𝔬𝔫𝔒.

An immersive journey through the Kusama & Polkadot Networks


An immersive journey through the Kusama & Polkadot Networks