👉 DONKEY GANG - How do Auctions Work?

Join our Auction Group: https://t.me/donkeygang_auction

  1. The group will be open for writing only when the auctions are active

  2. Will be allowed only offer messages and only in KSM

  3. Don't repeat your offer or raise before others

  4. You will be able to participate in the auction only thanks to the possession of a Banner.

  5. You can also buy it from the market at the end of the auction from SFY or other users.

  6. You can use the Donkey Power given by the Banner in your possession only on GODS

Donkey Power not work Under the Starting Price of auction.

  1. Donkey Power will be applied only at the end of auction and after demonstrating possession of the Banner to SFY Team. If you win an auction at 50 ksm and have a mythic banner, you only have to pay the SFY team 31.25 ksm (50 : 1,6)

  2. You can only use the banner you have set on your profile, so 1 at a time even if you have many - obviously use the rarest.

  3. We will give a maximum time for each auction, but if at the end of it there are 2 or more users to challenge each other we will let it run until one wins, so no one can win by making a last second bet.

  4. Anyone who does not respect these rules and argues about anything, will be banned from the auction group. If you have any doubts or want to comment on something, you can do it on the general chat.

1.0Post author

Donkey Gang - Nft collection created by SFY 3d Artists on Kusama, using the RMRK protocol.

⦿ 500 Donkeys are Unique, algorithmically generated by combining 127 properties with 5 varying Rarities and 6 Attributes.

⦿ 20 Donkeys are Exclusive with 120 properties never repeated. They will not be sold but airdropped for free to the best projects / parachains on Kusama and Polkadot (such as Rmrk, Karura, Khala, Bifrost, Shiden and others)

The Randonkey Algorithm developed by SFY Team will ensure the uniqueness of each nft.

Donkey Gang owners will receive Free Airdrops for all the future SFY collections. In addition there will be the possibility to receive discounts for new Sfy Artwork created on Kanaria with the burning of the "Bragi" stones (only Bird related theme). 20% of all KSM earned from the sale of 1) future collection 2) single artworks will be redistributed quarterly to all Donkey owners based on the rarity index and snapshot day

The Metaverse is on our roadmap and the donkeys will have value as exclusive pass.

All NFTs will be minted with Rmrk 1.0 protocol, but it will be possible to upgrade to Rmrk 2.0 later and exchange every single attribute!

Supports the Gang, there will be juicy airdrops every week!!


Donkey Gang - Nft collection created by SFY 3d Artists on Kusama, using the RMRK protocol. ⦿ 500 Donkeys are Unique,... Show More