Exosama: A Vision Erupts

An Article Composed by Csaint02 and Pnin

Original Exosama Logo


I’m rarely browsing twitter, but in crypto, you have to check it at least several times a day to catch the latest news. I do love to follow dirt roads, though, particularly of the Dotsama (Polkadot/Kusama) ecosystem, and I make a point to check on mysterious or newer accounts closely. It just so happened that I was on the very minute that a tweet on an exciting emerging project came out.

It was a tweet to Exosama’s new discord, and it had an announcement about gaining whitelist for the first 100 members on both discord/TG and for the first 100 wallet addresses dropped as tweet replies. So, of course, I moved as quickly as I could.

It was only 2 minutes after the tweet that I entered the discord, and I was already too late. I believe that I was in the first 250 members, but it is difficult to know. This project, called "Exosama", was going to be one of Donnie’s pet projects, and there was no doubt it was going to be huge.


I’m in my living room, watching NBA and browsing some dope NFTs on Singular when I get a message from one of my friends, Pnin, on Discord.

Pnin: "Hey, you heard of Donnie’s new project?"

Me: "Umm, no. What’s up? Moonsama got jet fighters now or something?"

Pnin: "No, man. Exosama!" drops discord invite

Me: "Oh, shit!" click (a.k.a. ape)

Upon opening the discord invite, I see hundreds of people pouring into the discord every minute. Friends from so many different Dotsama servers are here: DPS, WagMedia, ChaosDAO, Kusama Kings.

I went back to the Neon Crisis server, my home away from home, and dropped a link to bring in all my homies.

It took no time before the gang arrived. Thousands had already joined, and excitement was rampant, and impressively, it was all entirely organic. You see, Donnie hadn’t even tweeted about it, yet.


For those who don’t know, Donnie is, to many, the hype king of the Dotsama ecosystem, having made several appearances on the very popular Crypto Banter Youtube channel amongst other influential figures.

As with all people of influence, there has been a bit of drama around Donnie, but whatever the case—people pay attention to him, and by the ten thousand discord members in about 24 hours time, the Donnie effect was clear.

People were arriving from all over the NFT space, many never having been exposed to Moonriver, Moonbeam, or Dotsama before. The awareness around Moonriver/beam as an alternative EVM layer 1 was already growing fast, and it was exciting to see.

Moreso, a huge number of people entering the discord had no idea what RMRK 2.0 was capable of, and having so many Dotsama members helpfully educating one another was awesome to behold.

I realized, then, that I was watching the power of NFTs in onboarding new communities to a fresh layer 1 before my very eyes.

But, besides all this excitement, FOMO and aping…what the heck is Exosama?


All we knew was Donnie was doing a new project with some Cyberpunk vibes and “waifus with swords”. The excitement was palpable with everyone glued to their device, wondering what was next. What’s the mint price? Can I get whitelisted? Is it an RPG? Who are the devs? Can I get whitelisted? Is it related to Moonsama? Can I get whitelisted?

You get the idea.

In the days, since, Donnie has left breadcrumbs sprinkled throughout Dotsama.

Here is some alpha we’ve gathered so far:

  • The project is led by Donnie BigBags, the mind behind Moonsama, with a planned launch in March 2022
  • The Art Director is rumored to be Luigi Lucarelli who has 171K followers on Instagram and has worked for Nickelodeon, Disney, Universal and Hasbro. Donnie is also working closely with the well-known community member Voxelle
  • The CTO is a blockchain engineer by the handle of Kyilkhor (Moonsama dev), but there is no other word on who this might really be at the moment
  • The art will be generative and cyberpunk-inspired
  • Exosama will eventually be on Moonbeam with RMRK 3.0 functionality, but will possibly be minted as ERC 721 to begin with
  • Exosamas will be composable, multi-resourced RMRK NFTs with equippable weapons/clothing/cosmetics. These NFTs will be able to equip Kanaria, Moonsama and other NFT projects using the RMRK 3.0 standard
  • The MVP plans to be available in April 2022
  • Exosama will be a 2D, browser-based RPG game with integrations with multiple metaverses
  • The Exosama NFTs "might" be a ticket into the Moonsama carnage game
  • There are multiple artists from the RMRK and Kusama community collaborating for the art of this project
  • Mint price will probably be around $500 USD, paid for in GLMR (Moonbeam’s native token), with a total supply of 10k
  • All funds will be used to develop the project, and the team will mint their own Exosamas
  • Whitelists known thus far:
    • First 100 to post their address in discord whitelist channel (done)
    • First 100 to boost the server in discord (done)
    • First 100 members of the Telegram Channel
    • First 100 to post their address in the original Twitter post
    • A few twitter promotions
    • Earned through Exosama telegram, Twitter, and discord channels, through community engagement and participation
    • Moonsama holders get 2 Exosamas
    • Partnership with Blase Bonobos and Kusama Kings for Season 2 of Moonsama, with whitelists made available to these communities
    • Kanaria bird holders who recently have interacted with their bird (~1300 whitelist spots)
    • Members of KittyGang are also rumored to be getting spots
    • Top weekly contributors of WAG Media for the next four weeks will receive one max whitelist

Peep some of the artwork that's been leaked

Will we see masks as equippables?

Looks like we are going to see Exosama with a presence in Bit.Country with these 3D avatars (likely to be a part of your Exosama NFT)

These weapons are slick

Get a feel of the project with quotes from Donnie

"This is going to be my way of showcasing the power of RMRK"

"EXOs are cyborgs, they use a human brain and nervous system. Something that AI had never been about to replicate, the ability to think and feel like a human. Emotion. Cybernetically enhanced. They were a class of bodyguards used to blend in with the general population, no one expected such strength. Their courage is unmatched, when the one who won’t be named came to exert tyrannical control over NOVA, they were the ones to fight back. They won’t give up. And so our journey begins."

"We have equippable masks for the EXOs already designed."

"I'm not in too much of a rush here, this is a long term project, we've got an entire universe of lore and characters to build, gonna try to reveal some of the ‘monsters’ in the game too."

"There's a lot of crossover with Moonsama, so it has to be 20+ by now" (referring to size of team)

"Website nearly ready"

"eExosamas could have relics from the past, i.e. a famous roman gladius"

"If we do something "new", our existing IPs come with us, our NFTs follow us into every metaverse, our work is always an extension of our existing work."

"I think all Exosamas come with weapons (Katanas or guns) by default"

"My view is that the game doesn’t even need to be polished. We just need something playable and fun. We can improve it as we go."

"We want people who really want to get involved with what we do"

"Exosama will be present at ETHdenver. Polkahaus is helping us with that."

"My goal is to get as many unique holders as possible, and ensure the existing community who has supported us are looked after. I don’t care about whales. I just want our community opened up to the degens of tomorrow, the people who really want to be part of the kusamaverse."

"Moonsama when connected to the moonbeam network will basically be Exosama."

"Exosama will launch on moonsama.com. We’ve already integrated Moonbeam."

"There will be loads of WL spots."

"I want to make sure we get a really diverse community. I hate bots and whales"

As you can see, the hype is real. It will be incredible to see how the growth continues over the next few months. To get to know Donnie more, check out his interview with Kraken's Podcast linked above and the twitter spaces with Polka Haus. To learn more about RMRK standard and upcoming developments. Check out this article. Finally, freshly opened - the official Exosama website

A big shoutout to Pnin aka Ninja for helping develop this article. Check out his space here.

Csaint02Post author

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