Come On! Good Parachains, Impactful Content, & Chaos! (August 19th - August 25th)

What is up, my friends! The content generation power of WagMedia (WM) reminds us a little of Common Good Parachains, it empowers the community to benefit Dotsama.

Through WM we have witnessed content that has left a profound impact. For instance, the WM weekly that you are reading showcases news & content, as well as provides a helpful recap.

Some historic impactful content derived from WM are as follows:

  • The legendary article “A Primer on NFTs for the Uninitiated” by @Pnin is a good way to introduce people to NFTs as well as RMRK.
  • Quite a few within the community have used @Csaint’s fantastic overview called “Mass Adoption: A Composable Vision”, to help navigate some of the mind-blowing DeFi stuff coming from Composable.
  • Videos provide a great way of learning @Le-Comte-de-Monte-Crypto via WM was inspired to create one that has been widely used by the Astar community.

Additionally, @Pnin, @Csaint, and @Le-Comte-de-Monte-Crypto have via WM found roles in creating content for The Kusamarian. Following a similar approach, Bifrost just announced they directly contacted some creators to start a long and fruitful partnership!

There are many other pieces of content that have left an impact. Perhaps you can leave a comment to let us know what you think?

Impactful relationships being formed via WagMedia


This past week we heard some exciting news from Parity about accelerating the development of Common Good Parachains. Joe Petrowski, technical integrations lead at W3F, posted this article in Polkadot’s blog focused on three main Common Good chains that the W3F sees as necessary as XCMv3 rolls out:

  1. The Collective - focused on deploying a parachain to house the on-chain activities of a few up and coming collectives such as The Fellowship and The Polkadot Alliance which you can learn more about in the common good article linked above.
  2. A Bridge Hub - As more technical gadgets and developments come to fruition, bridges between Kusama, Polkadot, Ethereum and more, are close on the horizon and therefore a bridge hub is in the works.
  3. Statemine - further updates were outline in the article including taking workload off the relay chain and improvement of the NFT functionality in collaboration with RMRK, Phala, KILT and more.

Man, what a great sign that additional common good chains are coming into the ecosystem…right? Well, with all good there is always some…not so good, especially in decentralized ecosystems.

The biggest sore thumb comes from the Bridge Hub offering. Many teams in the ecosystem have been working diligently on bridging solutions within Dotsama for years now, including Darwinia (actually branded as a bridge hub) and Composable Finance. Darwinia stands out the most, especially since they have been one of the most overlooked projects in the ecosystem.

With full integration of Light Clients, bridges to major networks such as Polygon and Ethereum, and even interesting use cases such as Evolution Land already live on the network, Darwinia is an OG in the space.

Some are concerned that Parity seems a bit out of touch with a move like this. Granted, there are many facets to Parity, W3F, Polkadot and Kusama, and they are always growing, developing and moving forward; however, are they expanding at the expense of their earliest builders?

As Dotsama continues to grow, it will only get more difficult for the ecosystem to work in synergy, but this is the inherent strength of Dotsama. The synergy between parachains allows for infinite more potential than any monolithic chain in Web3. This could be an opportunity for Parity and the W3F to lean into those parachain teams and truly create an environment of collaboration and growth.

We can’t wait to see what’s next.

Speed Reading

The recent state of Kusama auctions! NOTE: chart is taken from

Nitty Gritty

Content creation

Creators have generated plenty of content about Bifrost's vKSM

Messages From the Treasuries

Crowdloan Updates

Kylin win the 25th Polkadot Auction

What's in Your Wallet?

Talisman is now on Product Hunt (

AMA and IRL Events Round-up

Translating DotSama

Some excellent translations and non-English original creations, which you may find fitting to share with family, friends, and neighbors around the world.

NFTs and the Metaverse: The Heartbeat of Dotsama

Plenty of NFTs projects mentioned this past week, can you identify which ones?

  • A new Aztec Archiverse pyramid is here, and the team has launched a Skybreach Land Contest. You can bid on the first pyramid in the Chaosama discord channel. Explore the pyramid virtually.
  • The DEO Arena Game of Sora has started, with prizes in $XOR.
  • Kodadot's white version for mobile devices is coming, and a new update on what’s new was released. Additionally, KodaDot will have guilds for artists, writers, or developers. They’ve been building towards EVM support as well.
  • Bit.CountryDiscovery Episode 11 is joined by Echo Guo, CEO and Co-founder of MetaDojo. There are also new avatar wearables, wings and medieval armor, as well as new skies, are now available. The top 100 Metaverses were curated, and winners will be selected by team members of other parachains. They also tease a big update, which was probably the NEER token transfers opening.
  • Governance NFTs Ref 192 dragons had 58 dragons meet the requirements and grow, giving luck boosts. Ref 219, 220, 221 were sent to wallets.
  • Following migration to Singular 2.0, RMRK Bulls announced staking rewards for RMRK Bull holders with payouts every 3 months.
  • The final YoudleDAO tickets were listed as a batch of 700 for sale at 1KSM each.
  • Raresama’s first collection is ready and will be revealed on launch.
  • Some Sneak peeks on Evrloot's NPCs.
  • The first wave of DinoxDino item equipables were airdropped. Gods, Angels, Royals & some guardians have received items. A second wave of airdrops will happen this week to other guardian dinos. Owners of DinoXDinos can burn a soulbound badge to enter a raffle for a Momo & Yeti raffle on ETH.
  • DPS’s new minigame, Liar’s Dice is a real-time game, with doubloons available for use in betting.
  • To celebrate Punks for the People Substrapunk reveal, Unique Network is doing a community writing competition.
  • Parachain mascots has dropped on singular (art for art, no utility) at 10ksm per.

Content creation

  • @DrCAO does a Dotsama Deep Dive on Subwallet and the Serpenator NFT Challenge!
  • He also covers YoudleDAO and how to get the Youdle Ticket. Finally, there’s an additional subsocial with some brief updates on NFTs in Dotsama, with accompanying video.
  • @TheFVK takes a quick stroll through Skybreach showing how communities and users are taking advantage of Skybreach's visual layer utility.
  • @AlphaAirdrops makes a video on EvolutionLand.
  • @KryptosChain covers Bitcountry and Neer token.
  • @MaxTheo creates a comprehensive Moonfit video.
  • @Cris_Pap Discusses Pondsama, and the different Skills, Passives, and other in-game mechanics.
  • @pnp has a short thread on allocating ASTR to Astar Cats dAPP staking.

And don’t forget the daily RMRK Recaps from @MARI0:

Aug 19, Aug 20, Next 4 days.


Stablecoin woes, as aUSD and XSTUSD continue to depeg! 

Content creation


Kusama referendums this past week cover Runtime and HRMP

  • Referendum 224 to remedy the HRMP channels between Robonomics and Statemine is unanimously passing.
  • Referendum 225 is being voted on at this time as well. So far so good for the most recent upgrade to Kusama’s runtime.
  • Since RMRK is sufficient on Statemine, Referendum 223 allows for RMRK to be used as XCM transfer fees AND enables RMRK to support Statemine NFTs….will RMRK be used for NFT purchases next?
  • Phala is looking to decentralize further by expanding the number of council seats to 8.
  • A proposal has been posted to open HRMP channels between Astar and Moonbeam.
  • Check out Centrifuge’s most recent governance call, courtesy of @DrCao, and fill out the form in the video’s link to get a POAP NFT.

Rumors & Alpha

Do Your Own Research! These finds are unconfirmed alpha in Dotsama:

Beginner’s Guide

New to Polkadot? Or maybe you have some friends who keep coins on a CEX but haven't become a part of a community yet? Share this with them to get them started! It will be updated weekly with new content and is open for changes. Feel free to leave a comment and I'll add content that's needed.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Dotsama

Another mind-blowing week! Our WagMedia discord is the primary source for most of the content in this newsletter – thanks a ton fam! These are just the highlights, for more in-depth news join the discord and get incentivized to learn more about the ecosystem and provide news, alpha, and content to us all. As always, I’m open to feedback and I hope you find this helpful. Looking forward to yet another week of exponential growth in the DotSama ecosystem.

What is WagMedia?

WagMedia Discord.

Jay Chrawnna’s The Kusamarian channel provides us all with extremely entertaining updates on everything DotSama. Here is the playback listing of the past week:

  1. aUSD Billionaires, Stable Coins, Bridge Pain, NFTs, Parachains, & Governance - SER, Have ya Heard?
  2. Mint and Level up your PhalaWorld Spirit NFT - Changing NFTs with Off-chain Actions.
  3. Launching Bitcoin on the Polkadot Network with Interlay's Dom Harz - Space Monkeys Podcast 065.
  4. Are Music NFTs the New Standard of Publishing? - P-Ninja in da' Streets.
  5. OmniBTC and 6 Other Projects Walk into a Parachain - Csaint's Alpha Shots.

Looking for more to read, why not check out the other works by the Wag Weekly Squad: Pnin, Csaint, Jb_blah, and Dodow.

Tips appreciated





KodaDot announces their first bounty campaign that focuses on translations

DodowPost author

Dotty WagMedia Guy

News you need to know to stay on top of significant DotSama developments. Courtesy of WagMedia and Polka Häus


News you need to know to stay on top of significant DotSama developments. Courtesy of WagMedia and Polka Häus