Incentivising Referendum Votes

Dear community,

Anyone that has found their way over to the democracy tab, knows that currently Kusama still has a dramatic lack of community involvement in governance. We frequently have appalling voting turnout rates of less than 1% or even less than 0.1% on our referenda! This is not healthy for the network and in order to become truly democratic and decentralised, we NEED to encourage voting from all members!

With my latest project I decided to tackle this issue specifically! I wrote a program that automatically rewards all voters with an NFT at the end of a referendum. Some of you may have already noticed a new NFT (or 2 if you voted on both referenda) in your wallets! Voters of referendum 171 and 172 were already sent an NFT at the end of the respective referenda.

You can find the collection here.

A sample of referendum the 171 and the 172 NFTs.

The NFTs are of course customisable and I am happy to collaborate with NFT artists on future drops for this collection. This could be especially interesting for up and coming creators looking to support a good cause (that will benefit us all) while simultaneously getting their name out there!

Furthermore I am today also making the code for it public! Anyone can now launch their collection this way. This means that in the future, voters could potentially receive multiple NFTs for their vote which should drive up participation even more!!!

I am happy to assist any NFT creators with getting set up should they need help. Reach out to me on telegram @peteparker or comment below.

3qiD3D…snA8wtPost author

A space meant for a discussion on improving governance processes on Kusama and make the network more inclusive and democratic


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A space meant for a discussion on improving governance processes on Kusama and make the network more inclusive and... Show More