Astar Network: From Japan to Korea

Astar Network is one of the most notable projects in Japan. By collaborating with regional giants like Sony, Toyota, and NTT DOCOMO, it has become more well-known. It has recently increased its impact inside the Ethereum ecosystem through the launch of “Asta zkEVM” and its partnership with Polygon Labs.

Polkadot’s tech is unique and has many advantages over Ethereum (interoperability amongst parachains and shared security). Besides the Polkadot parachain side, Astar is extending its tech stack to incorporate Ethereum’s L2 solutions with the goal of enhancing accessibility and interoperability for builders.

Astar Network wants to increase interest in Ethereum’s L2 solutions with the launch of the zkEVM testnet seeking to onboard businesses to Ethereum’s L2 while offering a developer-friendly environment to both newcomers and current builders. In this way, Astar can reach more potential clients by working with Polygon Labs and having strong footholds in Japan.

It supports both environments, making web3 suitable for developers who are focused on EVM, Rust, and Web Assembly. However, WASM offers an access point for developers accustomed to languages outside the EVM ecosystem.

Astar Network offers developers in a multi-virtual machine environment a hub for smart contracts. The project’s target audience and particular use case will determine which of the several L1 solutions is selected. Astar’s job is to help developers choose the best option based on their objectives.

  • Ethereum-compatible languages
  • Solidity and Vyper for Ethereum’s EVM
  • Rust for web assembly.

Astar Network’s worldwide development methodology has been accomplished in Japan through collaborations with major companies and now plans to extend to the worldwide arrangement.

The next target is Korea, where they are collaborating with many studios and the NFT community. Maarten, Astar Foundation Head, sees Asia as a future epicenter for the appropriation of Web3 and blockchain.

PitcoinPost author

Web 3. 0 enthusiastic - Polkadot & Astar Network ambassador

Welcome to the Pitcoin diary. Be prepared for an immersion in Polkadot, Kusama, and Astar Network ecosystem. Everything I write is my personal opinion - don't expect anything but chaos.

Polkadot Senior Ambassador and Astar Network all-star ambassador.


Welcome to the Pitcoin diary. Be prepared for an immersion in Polkadot, Kusama, and Astar Network ecosystem... Show More