W3F Decentralized Futures on Polkadot

Do you know what is Decentralized Futures on Polkadot? It offers grants to projects that boost decentralization and growth in the Polkadot ecosystem. Aiming to promote the next wave of developers, entrepreneurs, and innovators backed by USD 20 million and 5 million DOT tokens.


Distractive has received the inaugural grant, poised to emerge as a pivotal provider of essential marketing services for Polkadot throughout 2024. Their focus lies on empowering innovation, community engagement, enhancing communication channels, orchestrating dynamic marketing campaigns, and revamping digital presence.

Evan Thomas

Evan Thomas, formerly with Parity's communication team, secured a grant to spearhead the development of a decentralized social media framework aligned with Polkadot's ethos.

Decentered Studio

Decentered Studio specializes in orchestrating immersive community events that foster collaboration and drive ecosystem growth. Their expertise lies in elevating brand visibility, facilitating team synergy, and offering expert guidance on event execution. Notable events include sub0, The Polkadot Developer Conference in Bangkok, and Polkadot Decoded 2024 in Brussels.

ETF Network

ETF Network pioneers the development of a substrate-based blockchain featuring a unique consensus mechanism centered on publicly verifiable on-chain randomness and timelock encryption. Their focus areas include dynamic-committee proactive secret sharing, secure delayed transactions powered by timelock encryption, and on-chain randomness.

Diego Mendonรงa

Diego Mendonรงa leads the Polkadot University initiative, leveraging his experience as a former W3f grant evaluator. The initiative involves establishing an on-demand outsourced evaluation team to assess project milestones originating from grants, treasury funds, bounties, and microgrants. Additionally, they aim to develop a model for other universities to deliver Polkadot content at the university level.


Ocelloids aims to build upon the groundwork laid by the XCM Monitoring Server to develop a universal, robust, open-source cross-chain monitoring system for Polkadot.

In this way, we can understand the importance of the Decentralized Futures program in driving marketing and ecosystem growth in a decentralized manner. Stay tuned for upcoming updates on the program.

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Web 3. 0 enthusiastic - Polkadot & Astar Network ambassador

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Polkadot Senior Ambassador and Astar Network all-star ambassador.


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